[R1088 : page 1]


We have pleasure in announcing this book now ready. The present edition is in cloth binding, embossed, price one dollar. It contains 368 pages on fine paper. Orders will be filled in rotation as received, as fast as the books come from the bindery.

While one dollar is but a moderate price for the book, we propose to give Watch Tower subscribers a special price upon this, as upon Vol. I. and other books. Therefore, we give notice that for $1.25 we will mail a copy of Vol. II., "The Time is at Hand," postage prepaid by us, and the TOWER during the year 1889.

We suggested in our last, that this volume would specially interest TOWER readers only, and that these would all want it in cloth binding for preservation and reference. Many have murmured against this, and urged that they had friends to whom they had sold and loaned Vol. I. who, they believed, would be interested enough to read Vol. II., if obtainable in a cheaper edition in paper-binding,—say at 35 cents.

We doubt the practicability of this; we fear that not enough would be wanted to justify an edition of ten thousand; and only by getting out such editions could the price be gotten so low as 35 cents including postage. However, to test the matter, we will agree to get out a 10,000 edition at 35 cents each, or 3 for $1.00, as soon as one half that quantity is ordered. So then, let those who favor the cheap edition, write as soon as possible, mentioning how many they can use. If this edition is issued, The Tract Fund will probably make an allowance to the Colporteurs (for expenses) on it as on Vol. I.

