[page 162]











By Express Order, Postal Money Order, Bank Draft, or Registered Letter. Foreign only by Foreign Money Order.


N.B.—Those of the interested, who by reason of old age or accidents, or other adversity, are unable to pay, will be supplied FREE, if they will send a Postal Card each December, stating their case and requesting the paper.


[R1534 : page 162]



ACCORDING to a cablegram to the New York Times of May 7, a fresh edict, by the Russian Emperor, will expel nearly a million Jews from Poland. We quote as follows:—

"Nothing that can occur in Europe, not even a war of great magnitude, possesses a deeper interest for Jews and Christians alike, than the prospect of a large exodus of Jews from Russia.

"As a consequence of the Passover edicts of 1891 more than 400,000 Jews were driven from Russia. More than 110,000 of the exiles landed in New York, and many thousands found their way to Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Chicago.

"The interest of the people of New York in that vast body of immigrants was greatly intensified by the presence among some of them of typhus and cholera; but on other grounds the immigrants aroused the most widespread concern.

"The labor unions of New York and other cities made energetic protests against the admission of the Russian Jews into the labor markets of the New World. There were objections to the wholesale entrance of the refugees on social grounds.

"The movement of the Jews in Russia, which is now under way, according to Mr. Frederic, is four times as great as that following the Passover edict of 1891, and it will affect every Jew in Poland. This is the first time that the Polish Jews have had their liberties abridged. There are in Poland about 1,500,000 Jews.

"The immigration laws of the United States have been recently made much more rigorous by Congress, owing to the last Russian exodus and to the public fear of typhus and cholera. The immigrants are to be catechised in order to get statistics as to their social, moral, physical, and financial condition. Immigrant-carrying vessels are to be limited, and in several directions the restrictions are drawn tighter around the passengers of the steerage.

"Through liberal contributions of Baron de Hirsch and other rich Jews in Paris, London, Berlin and Vienna there were established two funds for the exclusive relief of Russian and Roumanian Jews.

"One of these funds amounted to $10,000,000, and was put at the disposal of a committee of London Jews, with that city as the headquarters of the fund.

"The other fund was sent by Baron de Hirsch to New York, and is managed by seven trustees. The fund amounted, when established, to $2,500,000, and the money was invested in New York bonds and mortgages drawing interest.

"A Trustee of the Baron de Hirsch Fund said, "We were anticipating something of the kind before long. We have $30,000 a year available for direct relief to the refugees, and this sum can readily be increased to $50,000. There will be no lack of funds to take care of all the needy Jews who come. We do not encourage them to come, nor have we ever.

"The partial failure of the colonization schemes in South America has rendered it probable that other parts of America and the world will be considered by the managers of the London Baron de Hirsch Fund, in future schemes of this kind. Australia offers an inviting field, and it is probable that colonies will be started there. Mexico, likewise, seems to be a favorable country. We can ourselves take care of 50,000 Jews this Summer, and we do not think that the number who come will reach that figure.

"A good many of the Jewish refugees from Russia are fleeing into Palestine and settling there. The Jews have not nearly as much disinclination to agricultural pursuits as is popularly supposed."


r1534 VOL. XIV. JUNE 1, 1893. NO. 11.


[page 172]





[R1537 : page 172]



II. QUAR., LESSON XII., JUNE 18, MAL. 3:1-12.

Golden Text—"They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels"—Mal. 3:17.

This prophecy is addressed to Israel. It is a reproof for their wayward and evil course and a warning of the just retribution that must surely follow, if they do not repent and turn to God. Malachi was the last of the Hebrew prophets: his name signifies, The Messenger of Jehovah. He was the last messenger to Israel previous to John the baptist the immediate forerunner of Christ, the great Messenger of Jehovah's covenant (verse 1); and well would it have been for Israel had they heeded the warning and prepared their hearts to receive the Lord's Anointed. But this they, with the exception of a small remnant, failed to do. The promised messenger, John the baptist, came to prepare the way of the Lord, preaching repentance and remission of sins, and announcing the advent of the great "Messenger of the Covenant" made with Abraham, that in his seed should all the families of the earth be blessed.—Gen. 22:18.

But when the Lord suddenly came to his temple (the Jewish temple), they were unprepared to receive him. They were unprepared to recognize the king in his beauty, or to stand the tests of character there applied to prove their worthiness of the blessings promised in the Abrahamic covenant. But a few, a small remnant, were found ready. In meekness and humility they inclined their hearts to the testimony of the prophets, of John the baptist, of the teachings and work of Jesus of Nazareth, and of the voice from heaven which declared, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Such became inheritors of the Abrahamic covenant; but the nation as a whole, to whom, as the seed of Abraham, pertained the promises, lost the blessing, and received instead the fiery baptism of trouble (Mal. 4:1), which in A.D. 70 utterly destroyed their national existence, overthrew their holy city, destroyed their temple, and scattered them as fugitives among the nations, where they have been hated and persecuted, even to this day.

While it is clear that the prophecy thus addressed to Israel applied to them primarily, it is also manifest, as shown by the Lord and the apostles, that it had a much wider application; and that in a yet fuller sense it was addressed to spiritual Israel, [R1538 : page 172] of which fleshly Israel was a type; and that it applies to the second advent of the great "Messenger of the covenant," whose work will fully accomplish all these predictions.

In the largest and fullest sense, therefore, we recognize this prophecy by Malachi as addressed to "both the houses of Israel;"—to all Israel after the flesh, toward the close of the Jewish dispensation, and subsequently to all of nominal spiritual Israel, toward the close of the Gospel dispensation. To the latter, as well as to the former, therefore, belong all the expostulations and warnings of this prophecy; and well would it be for them if they would heed the warnings. But, like their prototype, they will not do so. Only a remnant of nominal spiritual Israel heed the Word of the Lord, and to them, therefore, belong the blessings of his special favor.—Mal. 3:16,17; 4:2,3.

CHAPTER 3:1. The messenger who was to prepare the way of the Lord at his second advent, the antitype of Elias and of John the baptist, was the Church militant, the Church on earth, whose mission has been to preach among all nations the gospel of the kingdom and the second coming of Christ, the King, in power and great glory. But this testimony of the Church, like that of John the baptist, has failed to bring peace and good will among men, and consequently the predicted curse (chap. 4:5,6)—the great "time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation" (Dan. 12:1)—is about to follow.

This true Church in the flesh, in the spirit and power of Elias, has been the forerunner of Christ at his second advent. And even now we have the privilege of realizing that this glorious Messenger of the covenant, in whom we delight, has come to his temple—the elect Church. By the sure word of prophecy we recognize his presence. See MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. II., Chaps. v., vi.

[R1538 : page 173]

VERSES 2-5. "But who may abide the day of his coming?" etc. His coming is to judgment; for he is now the Judge of all the earth; all judgment is committed unto him. Blessed, indeed, are all those whose hearts are fully consecrated to God and faithful, and who are therefore approved of him. Yet even these shall be tried as gold in the fire until all their dross is eliminated and the refiner can see reflected in them his own glorious image. Then, indeed, are the sacrifices of such "pleasant unto the Lord."

VERSE 5 declares, "I will come near to you [to the great systems which compose nominal spiritual Israel—all Christendom, so-called] to judgment. [And who cannot see in the doctrinal conflicts and in the severe handling and criticism of the creeds of Christendom to-day that the judgment has already begun?] And I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers [against those who obey and teach doctrines of devils in the name of Christianity, and thereby plunge men deeper and deeper into sin and degradation]; and against the adulterers [those who, while claiming to be the virgin of Christ, are living in unholy alliance with the world, whether it be as individuals or as religious systems professedly Christians, yet joined to and dependent upon the civil powers]; and against false swearers [those who have made a covenant with the Lord of entire consecration to him, and yet have been unfaithful]; and against those that oppose the hireling in his wages," etc. The judgment will indeed be a close one; for every work is to be brought into judgment, with every secret thing. (Eccl. 12:14.) And it is even now begun: this is the significance of the present overturning and re-examination of every hoary dogma—civil and religious, and no power on earth can end the investigation until it has probed and exposed in all their details every evil thing.

VERSE 6. Were it not for the enduring mercy of the Lord the workers of iniquity would surely be consumed.

VERSE 7. Prompt repentance even at this critical juncture would save the "Christian world" (?), "Christendom," from the great impending scourge. But they do not realize their condition, and are not willing to admit that they have robbed God of that which is rightly his. They have robbed him of his honor by affirming the doctrine of eternal torment, thus ascribing to God a character blacker even than Satan's. And, while they claim to be the Lord's children and his representatives in the world, their vows are not paid unto the Lord. Their words are stout against him, and they count it a vain thing to serve him in truth and sincerity.

But the few (among the masses of the unfaithful), who do reverence the Lord and walk in his ways, are his jewels, and shall be spared in the evil day that is coming upon the whole world. And not only will they be spared, but they will be the Lord's peculiar treasure—"They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels." (Verse 17.) To this faithful class, now gathered out of the great masses of nominal spiritual Israel, as well as to a similar class gathered out of nominal fleshly Israel in the harvest of the Jewish age, belong the precious promises of this prophecy. The elect remnant of fleshly Israel, including the apostles and all the faithful of the early Church, and the elect remnant of nominal spiritual Israel, the consecrated and faithful, will together constitute the body of Christ, and, with their Head, will soon be kings and priests unto God—the seed of Abraham in whom all the families of the earth shall be blessed during the Millennial reign. "If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."—Gal. 3:29; Gen. 12:1-4.

[R1538 : page 173]




Golden Text—"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."—Prov. 3:6.

The preceding verse should be a part of this golden text, as it forms part of the condition of the promised blessing. It reads, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding."

This is the blessed privilege of all the sons of God; and years of experience of many precious saints testify that the Lord is always faithful to those who put their trust in him, look for his leading and gratefully acknowledge his faithfulness. Let those who would prove his faithfulness trust him more and more, and cease to lean to their own understanding, and they will be brought to an increasing realization of their heavenly Father's love and care and providence, and into yet closer bonds of sympathy and fellowship with him.


[page 174]




I want to thank you for the opening article, "From Glory to Glory," in March 1st TOWER. I cannot see in myself such advancement in Christ-likeness as it seems there ought to be in one to whom he has entrusted a knowledge of the truth. I have, perhaps, thought too much of that knowledge, and been too satisfied with the wish to give it to others, and not had care enough in regard to gaining a personal likeness to Christ. But, God helping me, I will more earnestly strive in that direction. Pray for me, dear brother and sister, that I may more than ever fully submit myself to the moulding of God, and that "mallet and chisel and polishing sand" may be used upon me until every particle of the deformity of self has disappeared, and the image of our glorious King is perfectly reflected. Oh! nothing can be too much to suffer if that may be accomplished in me.

I remain, your sister, desiring and striving to overcome and to be "like Him,"



DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—I enclose clippings from the Times that I think will interest you. If the Times is right, in stating that so large an additional number of Jews is to be driven out of Russia, it looks as if they would be compelled to go to Palestine in large numbers, as no other country will want to receive them while the cholera is threatening.

I was much pleased with the last TOWER'S article on the twelve apostles.

Yours, J. C. BELL, JR.


DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I pen you these lines in grateful remembrance that I was brought out into the light of God's Word, as it continues to shine unto the perfect day. I have given much time to the investigation of the DAWNS, comparing them with the Bible, and I find a beautiful harmony, leading me to consecrate all my ransomed powers to his blessed will. I have been running for the prize for a number of years, feeling my way as the Lord gave me light. I have been giving truth to the hungry ones with whom I have associated, but had to stay out of the church to which I once belonged. In all sects I met the same opposition, and finally saw clearly that I must come out of all organized bodies. I find one here and one there that welcomes the truth, and have had to go through trials and to suffer the loss of my friends; but I am praising the Lord. Jesus was never more precious than now; and I rejoice to be able, through God's blessing, to send you my subscription for the TOWER for '93. Hope to do more as the Lord prospers me.

Your brother in Christian love and fellowship, S. A. STAPLES.



As you are interested to know how each one of the harvesters is using the sickle placed in his hand, I will report. I took orders for 90 volumes of DAWN in M__________, a village of about six hundred inhabitants.

I have taken orders in this village for 80 volumes; and expect to canvass another village this week, and to deliver in both places next week. On account of nervous and other troubles, I am obliged to go slowly; and as I have been finding some "ripe wheat," who earnestly request me to converse with them, I occasionally embrace the opportunity to rest.

Oh, how thankful I am that I did finally decide to enter the colporteur work; for I now feel that I cannot afford to give it up. As I told some interested ones to-day, if I were offered work that would pay three times as well, in dollars and cents, I would not be content to drop the Lord's work.

Pray for me, that I may be able to overcome every obstacle and, if need be, to bear up patiently under affliction; that I, with you and all the Lord's dear ones, may stand the sifting; and, having done all, to stand.

Your brother in the Lord,


[R1538 : page 174]


I have so enjoyed the good things in the last April number of TOWER, also the first number of this month, that I must write.

"The Calling of the Twelve Apostles, their Office and Authority," have always been to me of more than ordinary importance. It is a subject I love to study, and you have presented it just as I have wished for it many time. I never had a desire to know just how the Savior broiled the fish upon the coals, or how much bread he had, or how long it took to eat that divinely prepared [R1538 : page 175] meal; but I have always wished to know, as nearly as possible, the work he gave the apostles to do, and how they did it.

May "Daniel's God" reveal to you both things yet to come, and cause you to be abundant reapers in the "harvest time."

Your sister in Christ,



[page 175]

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I enclose the name of one new subscriber to TOWER. I am now selling about 25 DAWNS daily.

In haste and love, J. B. ADAMSON.


DEAR BRETHREN:—Please find enclosed a money order for three dollars to cover the accompanying order.

The DAWNS, TOWERS and TRACTS came duly to hand. Yesterday I feasted on the good tidings contained in the TOWER—on the letters from Brothers and Sisters scattered abroad, and especially on the articles "Have not I Chosen You Twelve" and "The Oneness of the Divine Family." How beautiful, simple and touching is the pure gospel—the gospel of love. The prayer of my heart is, "May we all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, be changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord." Yours in Him, W. C. BROWN.


DEAR FRIENDS:—Although we are having rainy weather, the Lord is enabling me to take some orders for DAWN.

Yesterday, at a small village near by, I sold twelve sets and four single volumes, in paper covers, and to-day I found two that want the cloth sets.

I hesitated long, before starting into the work, because I had no confidence in myself; but now I am glad to realize that the Lord is using me; and it affords me inexpressible fulness of joy to be accounted worthy of his service as well as of all the precious promises of the high calling. Oh! that I might overcome! I can, and I will—"through favor of our God."

In our dear Redeemer,



[R1538 : page 175]

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I write to say that, through sickness and other causes, I have not been able for a long time to send any "Good Hopes" to the office; but I hope very soon to be able to contribute a mite for the spread of God's blessed truths.

The first number of this month's TOWER came to me on Thursday evening; and if ever a thirsty pilgrim through the desert was refreshed with pure spring water, so was I comforted and refreshed with its strengthening truths on the subject of inspiration. It came to me just at the right time, making my heart glad, and my spirit rejoice, and my lips praise him who gave himself a ransom for all.

The God of our fathers bless you and your dear companion, and all those associated with you in your work of faith and labor of love, with all them that love his appearing and kingdom, is my daily prayer.

Pray for me. HAYDEN SAMSON.


MY DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—It is with profound gratitude that I thus address you the joyful intelligence that I have withdrawn from the nominal church, and am now free. I praise the Lord for insight into his glorious plan of the ages, and I shall, by his grace, go on to be one of the overcoming class, which will be qualified to be partakers of the divine nature and made joint-heirs with our dear Lord and Savior.

I would like you to send me some tracts, for, since my withdrawal, three sermons have been preached on the second coming of Christ; and the people seem to be stirred up by them, and also by my statement that Christ has made his second advent and they must not expect to see him with their natural eyes.

[R1539 : page 175]

Remember your far-away brother at the throne of grace. M. STRICKLER.

[We rejoice with you in present freedom. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!

Have sent some tracts; but next time please suggest how many you think you can use judiciously. We do not wish to send too few—nor yet to waste the tracts by sending too many.

While the knowledge of our Lord's presence is very precious to "them that believe," it is rather "strong meat" for "babes in Christ." Let me suggest that to whatever extent we may have opportunities for speaking his truth, in our Master's name, we will do well to remember his words—"Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves." "Milk is for babes," says the apostle; therefore give to such the sincere milk of the word, that they may grow thereby." (1 Pet. 2:2.) Begin with "a ransom for ALL;" proceed gradually "to be testified in due time;" [R1539 : page 176] then show the blessed object of Christ's second coming and Kingdom; next the manner; and, finally, to the few who have interestedly and intelligently followed you thus far, point out the fact of the Lord's presence, as foretold by the prophets, and as confirmed by the wonderful events of "the harvest" and "the day of the Lord," now in progress. The Lord bless and use you in his service!—EDITOR.]


BRO. RUSSELL:—I wish to thank you, as the means in God's hands, for delivering me out of long ignorance and bondage. If it will not tire you, I would like to give you a little of my experience.

In the first place, Food for Thinking Christians [now out of print] came into my hands, in answer to prayer for light. Then you sent me the TOWER, which I accepted as food for the hungry. I saw some light at that time, but it was all so new; and, though I came out of the Presbyterian church and was immersed, I soon succumbed to the opposition of my friends. They called me a fool, and said that if I did not let religion alone I would soon be in the insane asylum. I replied that true religion never made people crazy, though the lack of it often did. However, my health was poor, and I became tired of so much opposition. I stopped talking and thinking about the truth, and discontinued the TOWER. I thought that in this way I would have peace; but I was not happy. When I went to church, I was not satisfied; for there I received nothing to feed a hungry soul. Often something would say to me, 'Take the TOWER again;' but I would silence it by saying, 'I do not want to renew opposition.'

I wonder now that the Lord did not let me go; but he did not; for, though I was drifting, not rowing as I ought, my faith stood fast. At last I awoke to a sense of my condition; but Satan stepped in, and suggested that I join the Baptist church, as that was nearly right, and that, if I went regularly to its meetings, I would be kept from again going to sleep. But I soon saw my mistake, renewed my subscription to the TOWER, and purchased the DAWNS. I felt uneasy and guilty, remaining in the church; could compare myself only to the children of Israel, when they said, "Give us the flesh pots of Egypt again;" but, thank God, I withdrew from it some time since, and am now free. I am free with the liberty wherewith Christ has made me free, and with his help, I will never again be entangled with the yoke of bondage. I can truly say that the Lord is long suffering and kind: I know he did not entirely cast me off; for, had he done so, I would not now be progressing in the Light.

Brother Russell, I have obeyed the command in 1 John 4:1, and I find that you do teach the truth. It is plain and gloriously grand. It makes God a God with a purpose, not a haphazard being, outwitted by Satan.

I have placed DAWN in the hands of quite a number; and I will copy a portion of a letter written to a friend by a young man who has read it.

"Dear Brother:—I guess you think I have taken your book and appropriated it to myself. I have been reading it, and thanking God that you brought it to my notice. It is indeed a revelation, and has sent a glow of more intelligent faith into my life. I have purchased one, and so return yours with many thanks for your kindness. I shall read the book again and study it carefully; for I am convinced that it contains germs of truth which are almost unknown to the larger part of the world. It has wonderfully deepened my knowledge of God's great plan toward men."

Now I wish to send him the TOWER for one year. I feel I must be like Andrew: I do not amount to much, still I may be the means, in God's hands, of calling a Peter to the Lord's work; so I will still try to scatter the truth, hoping to bring some to the light. I also enclose $5.00 to use as you see fit, knowing that you will use it to the best purpose for the Lord.

With kind greetings to Sister Russell, and asking an interest in your prayers, I remain, Yours in the faith,



[page 176]

DEAR BRETHREN:—I send greeting to you all, and ask you to remember us, here, who are trying to proclaim the truth. We are persecuted on every hand, though I think we are gaining some ground. I am very thankful that my eyes have been opened to the light. The article, "The Twelve Chosen Apostles," in the last issue of TOWER gave me great comfort. I am glad to understand that they were set apart for a special purpose and that we may have full confidence in their writings. May the Lord bless you all.



[page 178]











By Express Order, Postal Money Order, Bank Draft, or Registered Letter. Foreign only by Foreign Money Order.


N.B.—Those of the interested, who by reason of old age or accidents, or other adversity, are unable to pay, will be supplied FREE, if they will send a Postal Card each December, stating their case and requesting the paper.


In our issue of May 1st we defended the inspiration of the apostolic writings and teachings; in the S.S. Lesson of this issue we treat a supposed objection to Paul's course with Barnabas; and in our next we expect to show that the Apostle Paul's teachings relative to woman and her relationship to man, and to God's plan, are in perfect accord with sanctified reason,—and give no ground for objection to the Apostle's inspiration.

[R1539 : page 178]


Ever since our return from Europe we have had an earnest desire to see the truth scattered with liberal hand in Great Britain and Ireland. The people there seemed to us particularly ready for the truth; because, while freedom seemed to prevail, there it had not run into infidelity as so often appeared elsewhere.

But although an agency for DAWN was established (in London), and although a number of friends there are very zealous in circulating the truth, the colporteur-work, the chief agency for preaching these Kingdom truths, never seemed to prosper. The fault we believe lies in the friends' not knowing how to do it; and we have arranged with Brother S.D. Rogers (who has been extremely successful here, both as a Colporteur and as an instructor of Colporteurs) to go to England, meet those who earnestly long to be in the work, if they can but make expenses, and give them practical lessons.

And thus under the Lord's blessing we trust a great work will be started in England, Scotland and Ireland. And here we might remark that Brother Boehmer, who recently went to Germany, writes us that he is getting started and has hopes that he will be able to meet his expenses there; but that if not he will gladly join in the crusade in Great Britain.

Now, we want to hear at once from all the Brethren and Sisters in Great Britain and Ireland, who are free from family encumbrances, and anxious to spend their lives in preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, by the sale of DAWNS;—the way which the Lord seems to have specially prepared and to be specially blessing, in the present harvest work. We cannot promise earthly wealth as the reward of earnest toil in this service for the Lord; but we can, from experience here, assure the unencumbered the "things needful" and joy and peace and spiritual blessing in this present time; and to all the faithful and persevering, in every department of his service, the Lord promises "treasure in heaven"—glory, honor and immortality.

After writing to us of your desire to enter the work, with particulars respecting your age, size, previous occupation, etc., begin to shape your affairs and your prayers to the proposed course. Brother Rogers may be expected in England in September; and those who write may expect to be fully notified of arrangements.

[page 178]


Colporteurs need not hereafter send in to us all the addresses to which they deliver DAWNS, but merely keep note of those found to be specially interested, who do not subscribe for the TOWER. Send in such with each Semi-monthly Report—on separate card or letter sheet.

The Semi-monthly Reports, for which blank have been furnished, are expected from all colporteurs, and are requested to be mailed on the 1st and 16th of each month. These should be kept separate from orders for which other blanks are provided.

Routes given to Colporteurs are expected to be followed strictly. This is necessary to the proper conduct of the work and to prevent confusion, as the number of "harvest" laborers is increasing.

The Swedish and Dano-Norwegian translations of Millennial Dawn, Vol. I. are in the hands of the type-setters. We hope to have them ready about September next.


r1539 VOL. XIV. JUNE 15, 1893. NO. 12.


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[R1545 : page 191]



III. QUAR., LESSON I., JULY 2, ACTS 16:6-15.

Golden Text:—"Go ye, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit."—Matt. 28:19.

In considering the narrative of this lesson, the main points to be observed are the influence of the holy Spirit in directing the course of the gospel, and the evident watchfulness of the Apostle for such direction. While neither Paul nor the other apostles sat in idleness waiting for extraordinary or miraculous leadings of the Spirit of God, they were mindful of such indications when the Lord's will was so expressed. But, ordinarily, they expected to make use of their own judgment enlightened by their knowledge of the truth and of the objects to be accomplished by its promulgation. And if, in the use of their own best judgment, they made a mistake, and the Lord, by some special providence or vision or impressive dream, indicated otherwise, they carefully followed such leadings.

Thus, for instance, Paul, using his judgment as a steward of the Lord (1 Cor. 4:1), went, accompanied by Silas, through Syria, Silicia, Phrygia and Galatia, confirming the churches previously established there (Acts 15:36,40,41; 16:1-6); and the Lord evidently approved their course so far, since he interposed no providential indication to the contrary, but blessed their efforts to the furtherance of the gospel. But, having gone thus far without any providential interference, and, in further use of his own best judgment, having planned to carry the gospel into Asia, the holy Spirit in some manner indicated that such was not the divine will at that time (verse 6); so the Apostle turned his course in a westerly direction, thinking to stop in Bithynia, a province of Asia Minor: but again God's power or spirit manifestly hindered; so he continued his journey to Troas, where, in a vision, the open door for him in Macedonia (Greece) was indicated.

Thus, by divine direction, the course of the gospel was turned westward into Europe, instead of continuing in Asia as the Apostle had thought to do. And westward has been the general course of the Gospel since. Just why it was to be so, is nowhere stated; but in the light of the present day the reason is apparent.

To the eastward lay India and China, whose people, bound by customs and superstitions, were, so to speak, confirmed in ancient error; while the conditions in Europe were quite the reverse. That was the formative period in Europe. The peoples of Europe were not old, established nations; and the unrest and change incident to those times, the rival ambitions which brought about great invasions and revolutions and changes of government, and the intermingling of the various peoples, produced mental activity and acuteness favorable to the consideration and appreciation of the gospel on the part of those who desired righteousness and truth. Mental lethargy, undue conservatism and superstition are obstacles to progress, and must be rudely handled before the truth can be received and appreciated. It is also noticeable that a very similar preparation was given to Israel, to fit them to receive the instructions of the Law and the prophets.

It should be noticed, too, that God thus providentially sent the gospel message, not to the most debased and ignorant people of the world, but to the most civilized and best educated; for at that time Greece was the very center of learning, as Rome was the center of the political world. The gospel which God was sending, and which the Apostle bore, was "good tidings of great joy for all people;" it was a reasonable gospel, which would stand the light and criticism of the keenest philosophy, and did not need to seek out the degraded and superstitious classes or races of the world.

While, as expressed in the golden text, it was a part of the divine will that ultimately this gospel should go to all peoples, yet it is clearly marked by God's providence that it is his will that it shall go to the less degraded first, and to the more degraded later.

And the reasonableness of this is evident when we remember that God's plan is to select the Church, the Christ (Head and body), first, and then to use that Church as his agency for blessing all nations in the Millennial age. Hence, while our efforts should be to "do good unto all men as we [R1545 : page 192] have opportunity," it should be "especially to the household of faith" and to people best able, mentally, to appreciate the message.

It is presumed by some, from the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, recorded in the preceding chapter (verses 37-40), with reference to taking John Mark with them on this missionary tour, and which resulted in their separation, that both brethren were at fault, and that neither one manifested the [R1546 : page 192] spirit of Christ toward the other. This is probably based on the statement that the contention was sharp between them. But the expression does not imply that either one was abusive or unkind to the other; but rather, that both were positive in their mental decisions on the subject, and so expressed themselves and so acted.

The difficulty, however, was on the part of Barnabas. Paul was the "Apostle to the Gentiles," the "chosen vessel" of the Lord to bear his name to the Gentiles; while Barnabas was honored in being his associate and helper in the work. Paul's course was the one that was being specially directed, guided and supervised by the Lord (notice specially chapter 16:9), and Barnabas should have recognized the apostleship of Paul, and, so far as his judgment would permit, he should have deferred to Paul's judgment. But, instead, he placed himself as the superior and director, and "determined to take with them John, whose surname was Mark." But Paul, remembering John's former unfaithfulness in forsaking them in the midst of the work, wisely deemed it inexpedient to trust him on this occasion, and objected. Instead of continuing in company and cooperation with this "chosen vessel of the Lord," and humbly deferring to his judgment in a matter where conscience was not at stake, or of trusting the Lord to correct the Apostle's mistakes, if he made them, Barnabas preferred to leave this favored position of service and to go out himself with John.

The whole appearance favors the opinion of some that Barnabas let a little pride take root in his heart; that it was first manifested when he "determined" to take John with them, whether Paul approved the arrangement or not; and that it speedily grew until it separated him from the special privileges of service which he had hitherto enjoyed in company and co-operation with the Apostle. Another brother stepped into his place, and it is quite significant that we never hear of Barnabas again. He lost his opportunity, which, seemingly, he failed to appreciate because pride raised up a little root of bitterness.

Having been joined by Timothy and Luke, the Apostle and Silas took ship for Macedonia, no longer in doubt as to the will of the Lord; and there they went to one of the chief cities—Philippi. Their first success in reaching hearing ears was on the Sabbath day, when they sought and found a company of worshipers at the river-side, to whom they preached the gospel (verses 12,13), some of whom, at least, received it gladly. And one of the specially interested ones is particularly mentioned as manifesting her love for the Lord and the truth by her works.

There is in this account that which is indicative of a very proper and beautiful spirit on the part of both Lydia and these ministers of the gospel, in both the offer and acceptance of hospitality. Lydia evidently considered that it would be a great favor to entertain these representatives of the Lord—not because they wore fine clothing or bore titled names—but because they had borne to her a message from the Lord. Therefore she said, "If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord [and so worthy to entertain his ministers], come into my house and abide there." She wanted to show her love to the Lord by her works. It is manifest also on the part of these brethren, that they did not intrude, and were not in haste even to accept the proffered hospitality. They questioned the convenience and ability of the sister to thus entertain them; for it was not until she constrained or urged them that they accepted her invitation.

From this lesson we learn: (1) To be careful observers of God's providential leadings while actively pressing on to do his service. (2) As the Apostle was left to use his judgment, and was only miraculously directed when he had no other means of judging the Lord's will, so we should expect with all God's people. And since now the Word of the Lord's testimony is complete, and helps for its study are multiplied, we should all the less expect miraculous interventions, visions and revelations from the Lord. Nevertheless, if we should have a striking dream seeming to admonish us of some neglected duty or opportunity, or reminding us of some Scripture teaching, let us profit by it thus—never, however, relying for counsel or faith upon anything but what can be proved by the Word of God. (3) The Lord himself exercises a supervision of his own work.
