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Any one desirous of engaging in the spread of the truth can find grand opportunities and plenty of them, selling paper-bound DAWN, VOL. I. The present price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. We state again that ten cents per copy is allowed for expenses out of the Tract Fund. According to your zeal, faith and talents united, will be your success. Take your sample book and make a trial before ordering books. For particulars of how to succeed in selling DAWN, write to us for a copy of our Hints to MILLENNIAL DAWN Canvassers, just printed. It will be sent free by mail.



Another plan for spreading the "glad tidings" has been conceived. It is to print some pointed Scripture passages briefly showing our glorious hope, across the face of an envelope at the top, leaving plenty of room for addressing and stamps, and on the back of same some friendly mentions of MILLENNIAL DAWN.

The suggestion is that if all our readers used envelopes printed thus for their correspondence, it would call the attention of thousands to the "blessed hope," which fills our hearts, and to the book which presented that hope, briefly, strikingly, and often more effectively than any other tract or paper would do, and without extra cost to you, by the plan we have arranged.

Buying and printing envelopes in quantities, we can pay postage to you and all expenses, and sell them at a lower rate than you could buy them for blank, in small quantities. We can supply you at 35 cts. a hundred, or 300 for one dollar, postage or expressage prepaid. And for any one wanting 2,000 at a time, we will print a neat small business card in the corner below the above mentioned Scripture texts, without extra charge, i.e., 2,000 for six dollars ($6.00) expressage prepaid. Cash in advance must accompany all orders, as it will busy us to attend to the extra work, without trouble and worry about accounts and collections.

In this way those at home also, can find room to do something in the harvest field, can help spread the good tidings of great joy, and bring it before the eyes of thousands. And if brethren in business will adopt the plan, hundreds of thousands of these messengers may soon be running to and fro through the earth and knowledge be increased thereby. We can offer no variety—they will be full sized No. 6 Envelopes, of either a green or blue tint. We need not say to you that they will be neat and respectable.

Less than 100 we do not care to sell, as the time consumed does not justify; hence we say, Less than 100 will be one cent each. Address orders to TOWER PUBLISH CO., Allegheny, Pa., U.S.A.
