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THE ATTENDANCE at the meeting held in the Royal Albert Hall was estimated at three thousand—excellent, indeed, for a mid-week religious service in an Auditorium not very conveniently located for the general public. We had an excellent hearing on the topic, "Two Heavens and Two Hells." Amongst those who spoke to us after the meeting was a Methodist brother, who thanked God for what he had heard, saying that he accepted the message fully, and that previously he had been in danger of drifting into infidelity. Another remarked that he came in an unbeliever and departed with faith both in God and His Book. We thanked God and took courage.

The London Tabernacle was the center of our activities in the world's metropolis. We delivered thirteen public addresses there; the attendance and interest were excellent. On one or two occasions the Tabernacle was overcrowded; even with extra chairs some stood. We hope that the dear friends of London and vicinity were as much encouraged and spiritually strengthened as we were.

In our previous report of our visit to Scotland, we overlooked mention of the meeting at Motherwell Town Hall, which was attended by a thousand. Our Scotch brethren are very enthusiastic in their love of the Truth and in its service. We were most hospitably entertained, and brought back greetings to the Bible Students of America and everywhere.


We visited two of the principal Welsh cities and gave two addresses in each. At Cardiff the public address was in Park Hall. About fifteen hundred gave most earnest attention to what we had to say respecting "The Great Hereafter." About the same number were present at the public meeting in Swansea at Albert Hall.

The Welsh friends are a little diffident, but evidently warm-hearted and very keen in their love of the Truth and in their service of it. They worked hard for both of these meetings. The Truth is making good progress in Wales, and the brethren are much encouraged.


We visited eleven English cities—outside of London. In almost all of these at least two meetings were held—one specially advertised to the public. These gatherings of the Bible Students were well attended, and in many cases were really little conventions of five, ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty and forty, who attended from surrounding cities and towns. How we enjoyed their fellowship, their earnestness, and how we noted their zeal for the Truth and the earnest endeavors put forth to make the meetings a success! And they were very successful.

In our previous report we mentioned four English cities visited; now we record others:—

At Reading at the Town Hall about a thousand were present—intelligent, attentive, sympathetic hearers. At Oxford the Corn Exchange was crowded to its capacity, seven hundred, and closest attention was accorded our message. At Newport we addressed the public in Phillips' Memorial Hall. The audience was estimated at above a thousand. They gave the same close attention and showed the same keen interest in the argument that was noted in preceding meetings. So also it was with the audience at Kittering, where Victoria Hall was filled—about seven hundred. Next came Nottingham. We spoke in Mechanics' Hall to an audience estimated at twelve hundred. We had various manifestations of deep interest and sympathy here also. In Sheffield the public service was at Albert Hall. It was well filled; the audience, approximately eighteen hundred, gave us undivided attention and evidenced much interest. At Leicester we addressed the public in Corn Exchange. Nearly a thousand were present, and from the sympathetic looks and occasional applause we feel sure that many of our hearers caught views of the Hereafter which will help them in future days in their battle against infidelity, doubt, fear, the world, the flesh and the Devil.

On Friday, Nov. 17, at the London Tabernacle, our visit concluded. We bade the friends goodby, exhorting them to be of good courage and be faithful unto death. We spoke from the Apostle's words, which indicate that although our lives and message are an odor of death unto death to those who are in darkness, they are an odor of life unto life to the children of light, and to God a sweet odor in the Anointed One. Although the meeting was not advertised about eight hundred were present. The next day about thirty met us again at the railway platform, where we took the boat train.

Surely we were greatly privileged of the Lord in connection with this British visit. The Lord alone knows to what extent it has stimulated and encouraged the faithful, or enlightened some of His faithful who previously sat in darkness. We leave the results with Him, thankful for the privilege of knowing the Truth and for the joy of being permitted to serve Him in this or in any manner. We felt, and endeavored everywhere to impress upon the dear friends the thought that the Truth is not ours; that it is God's, and therefore belongs to all who are His, and that it is a great privilege to be His ambassadors and [R4939 : page 457] mouthpieces in making it known to all who have hearing ears. Hence we properly ascribe all the glory to Him, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, our Father in Heaven, and to Him through whom these gifts come to us, namely, our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus.

A summary of our tour shows twenty-four cities visited, fifty-five public meetings held, forty-four thousand hearers and over a million papers and pamphlets distributed free. The dear friends in every place displayed great energy and devotion in connection with the meetings, arrangements and announcements.

Our homeward journey was uneventful. The ocean voyage furnishes excellent opportunity for our literary work.
