
Many have supposed doctrinal conflict between St. Paul and St. James, the former holding faith as the important feature of Christianity, the latter insisting that works take precedence. We hold that there was no such conflict between the Apostles, and that the subject, rightly understood today, leaves no room for disputation.
St. James possibly noticed a tendency in some to go to the extreme in the matter of faith, and to ignore works entirely. In other words, the teachings of St. Paul and St. James may be fully harmonized. R4377:2,5
St. James was evidently a very practical man. His third chapter is generally acknowledged to be one of the most profound dissertations known in the world on the power of speech. R4380:2

[NTC - James 1:1]

James— "James the Less," the son of Alpheus (Cleopas—Mark 3:18), husband of Mary, supposed to have been second cousin to our Lord, so by Jewish custom styled "the Lord's brother." (Gal. 1:19) R3003:2
To the twelve tribes— Fleshly Israel. B207 Had promises made to them that were also specially made to spiritual Israel whom they typified. R2446:6 Israelites indeed who have accepted Christ, and grafted-in Gentiles. R2085:6, 2100:2 The entire epistle is addressed to the Church, the true Israelites. R2442:3, 2443:1 The rejection of the unbelieving of natural Israel left the way open to engraft in some from amongst the Gentiles, possessed of the faith of Abraham. R2442:3

[NTC - James 1:2]

My brethren— God's people, begotten of his spirit. R2936:4
Count it all joy— Knowing that under divine providence difficulties will work out a greater blessing to you. R2936:4 In everything give thanks unto God—in life's difficulties, as well as in its pleasures. (1 Thess. 5:18) R2936:4 Rejoice if our trials have brought us lessons of any kind that are profitable to us. Paul summed it up in Rom. 8:18. R3001:5Not that we are to rejoice if we fall into sin when tempted, but that we may rejoice if we find ourselves suddenly precipitated into temptation. R5459:2 We can rejoice because we know that such trials will more fully crystallize our characters; that the Lord would not let us fall into temptation if we are wholly loyal. R5459:3 A temptation resisted makes us so much the stronger to resist the next. R5331:5 God assures us that all tribulation under his providences will yield fruitage of character. R2737:3
Ye fall into— Not walk into them; we are not to seek temptation. R5459:6 James intimates that temptations may overtake us, into which we will fall as a snare. R5459:1 No one could count temptation a joy if, when it should come upon him, he would enter into it. R5331:5
Divers temptations— Trials, testings. R5499:6, 2005:3 Difficulties. R2936:4 Every difficulty is intended to prove us, to test our love, to see if our characters are fixed in righteousness. (1 Pet. 1:7; 2 Cor. 4:17) R5459:2, 5499:5,6, 3776:5, 2258:3 Temptations are necessary to our discipline and preparation for the Kingdom. R2005:3 Temptation is not a sin. R5459:2 Even temptations that come through negligence are not to be disesteemed. Some of our greatest lessons in carefulness have resulted from the effect of our own carelessness. R5459:6

[NTC - James 1:3]

Trying of your faith worketh— If our faith stands the trial, it will work out in our character this patient endurance. R5651:4 Patience always shines brightest when manifested under the glowing heat of severe affliction. R1721:1,5 The Christian can take joy in tribulation, not because he loves tribulation, but because he loves the patience, the experience, the character, which are a fruitage if rightly exercised thereby. (Rom. 5:3) R2737:3
Patience— Greek, hupomonee, constancy; endurance of evil in a cheerful, willing, patient manner; endurance with contentment, without rebellion of will. R2791:1, 2792:1, 5650:2, 5499:1, 4910:1 Meek, uncomplaining endurance of suffering with humble resignation and perseverance; a trait which indicates strength and self-discipline. R1721:1 It is mindful of its own imperfections and sympathetic with the imperfections and shortcomings of others. R4910:1, 5125:3 There is little virtue in the patience that endures from motives of worldly policy. R1721:5 An element of character, not merely a temporary condition of restraint of feeling or action. R5650:2, 4910:1

[NTC - James 1:4]

Let patience have her perfect work— Patience smooths the way for every other Christian grace, because all must be acquired under the process of patient and continuousself-discipline. Not a step of progress can be gained without this grace. R4910:1 By meekly doing the best we can each day, and doing it cheerfully and well. R1721:2 Until the long and painful discipline yields the peaceable fruit and rewards of righteousness. R1721:5 Submitting cheerfully under the mighty hand of God in his work of preparing us for a place in his Kingdom. R4809:1 "Let patient endurance have her perfect work" or "perfect her work." Demonstrate love as an element of character, deep-rooted, immutable, so that you can endure opposition cheerfully. R4910:3
"In your patience [patient endurance, cheerful, hopeful, constancy] possess ye your souls." (Luke 21:19) R4910:6 Enduring all trials and shining the brighter for every affliction. R1721:5 One object of the test of patient endurance is that we may have the character-likeness of the Lord Jesus; not merely the firmness, but also the gentleness. R4910:6 Our loyalty to the Lord and to the principles of his righteousness—justice, truth, love—shall be beyond question. Our characters must become crystallized along these lines. R3059:5,6 God assures us that all tribulation under his providences will yield fruitage of character. R2737:3 Our ability and strength to patiently endure should increase as we progress in the narrow way. R5651:3Our balance of judgment is so poor that we are by nature too hasty. Therefore growth in grace and growth in knowledge will have to do with the degree of love exhibited by each. R5125:3 By fiery trials we learn patience, forebearance, sympathy for others, love for the brethren, compassion for the world in its troubles and trials. NS447:6
Perfect and entire— Our character cannot be perfected without patient endurance, without our putting on the whole armor of God; and having put it on, keeping it securely buckled. R5650:2

[NTC - James 1:5]

Lack wisdom— "Wisdom is the principal thing." (Prov. 4:7) R2262:2 The wisest course is to admit our own unwisdom and seek for divine direction, divine wisdom. R2262:3 The more we gain the more we see we still lack. R3980:4 Realize that they lack wisdom and need guidance by the Divine Teacher. R2262:5We appreciate our lack as we come to see the lengths, breadths, heights, and depths of God's loving providence for us. R3988:4 This wisdom seems to be especially necessary to us as the servants of God, that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts may be acceptable in the sight of the Lord. (Psa. 19:14) R5202:4 Christian common sense has discovered its human weakness and imperfection, and has come to God for "the spirit of a sound mind." R1777:1 We shall continually need the wisdom from on high. R5633:1 Some suffer as busy-bodies in other men's matters because of a lack of wisdom of moderation. R2493:3
Let him ask— Our requests must be for increased filling with the holy Spirit; wisdom from above. F686 Grace from on high is needed, is promised, and should be earnestly sought when under conditions of severe trial. F506 It is only those who are using to the best of their ability the power and the talents already given them who have any right to ask for further wisdom. R5633:1 God desires all who would become his children to realize their needs and to make requests accordingly. R5714:6 Take it to the Lord in prayer. R2006:3

[NTC - James 1:6]

Let him ask— For only such things as are promised in the divine Word. R2005:4 Various counsels of heavenly wisdom give us the wisdom and grace for the affairs of life. R2263:4 Ask in faith or not at all. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin, hypocrisy. (Rom. 14:23) R2005:4 Only the humble will seek and obey the heavenly wisdom from the great Counselor; they shall all be taught of God. R2262:5 The greater our humility, the greater our trust in the Lord's wisdom and reliance on his instruction. R2262:6Our prayers are not to be "vain repetitions," formal requests for what we do not expect. (Matt. 6:7) R2005:4 The more wisdom we gain, the more we see we lack. We need to go continually to the fountain of grace that we may profitably use each experience of life. R3980:4
In faith— True faith is not credulity. It is critical, and believes only upon good evidence. It criticizes closely and distinguishes clearly between the teachings of men and the substantiated Word of God. R2005:4
Wave of sea— Masses of mankind not under religious restraint. (Jude 13; Rev. 21:1) R333:1
Not to think he shall receive any thing— If asked with irreverence, such petitions will receive no consideration from the Lord. R3253:1 If we partake of the spirit of the world and try to partake of the spirit of Christ, let not any man think he shall receive anything of the Lord. R1899:1

[NTC - James 1:8]

A double minded man— One obliged to compromise matters continually, by "splitting the difference" between the new mind of the spirit and the old mind of the flesh. R2336:2, 2335:6 Has two wills in control. R2336:2, 3913:5 The Great Company class. R4079:2 The "lukewarm," neither cold nor hot, neither for sin nor against sin (Rev. 3:16). God wants positive characters, and others will not be approved. R1985:1 Some take a less positive stand and seek to gain the things of this world, its honor, as well as the honor of God and the world to come. R4256:1 A will which can never please the Lord nor bring joy and blessing either now or hereafter. R2337:5 We cannot have two objects in life, both equally prominent to our attention. R3721:2 Like Balaam, who wished to be a prophet of the Lord, but who wished riches and honor. R5322:6 Trying to be a servant and mouthpiece of God and to gain the rewards of an opposite course. R5323:1 Weak, vacillating character. OV138:T The vast majority of our race are in this condition of uncertainty, indecision; they have no positive aim, no fixed purpose in life. As a consequence they are like chaff, ready to blow hither and thither. SM755:2 One who has never a settled purpose in respect to his life. SM340:1 Those who have no fixity of purpose, will, intention, are unsuccessful. SM755:1 Human experience, as well as the divine Word, attest the importance of concentrating energy upon some one thing if we would achieve the best results. R478:2
Is unstable— Inconsistent. R2336:1 Unreliable in every way; not pleasing to God, not acceptable to him. R5323:1; F599 Thus showing how impossible it would be for anyone to become an overcomer without becoming strong in faith. F691 The unstable heart will not retain the divine impress. As in dough, it would soon subside and disappear. R2065:1*
In all his ways— "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matt. 6:24) C221; R5323:1, 3721:2, 1899:1 Undoubtedly this is a difficulty with a large number who profess consecration. R3721:4 A man who is wishy-washy, who does not know what he is doing, does not accomplish much of anything. R5313:4

[NTC - James 1:9]

Rejoice— Our experiences should be recognized as under divine supervision and therefore a matter of rejoicing no matter how disappointing to the flesh. HG374:5
He is exalted— We are to remember that real prominence, true exaltation, is of the Lord. R5711:4

[NTC - James 1:12]

Blessed is the man— The condition of one in the favor of God. The state of such will be a happy one, a desirable one. R5499:1 Not a condition as relates to the feelings, or emotions, but rather to the outcome. Whatever conduces the child of God to win the crown of life is a very great blessing, even though it cause much pain to the flesh. R5499:1
That endureth— "The Lord your God proveth you to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deut. 13:3) R2258:2 God allows us to come under the constant pressure of years of toil, care, and self-sacrifice to see how we will endure; and blessed is that diamond-proved character that endures to the end. R3104:1 Retaining permanently the attitude of patient endurance and faithfulness when tempted—time after time, day after day. R5499:1,2 Endureth with fortitude. R5688:1 Endureth faithfully under temptation.R2258:3, 5459:3 He that escapes all trials and temptations has every reason to doubt that he is really a son of God. R5459:5 Everything now depends upon your power of endurance. Can you hold out to the end? R645:3*
Temptation— Comes from Satan, trying to make a right appear wrong, and a wrong right; putting light for darkness, and darkness for light. (Isa. 5:20,21) R3297:5, 1269:1 Temptations may come from friends who may tempt us to live a life of self-indulgence, to relax in a measure our fidelity to the Lord. The enticements of wealth or worldly society, a natural love of ease and disinclination of the flesh to endure hardness. R5499:2 Those who do not love the Lord with all their hearts, in whom self or some other idol has first place, will be seduced by the world, the flesh or the devil into some form of rebellion against the divine Word. R5688:1, 5459:3, 5500:1 Chastisements, temptations or trial are necessary to our discipline and preparation for the Kingdom. R2005:3 Trials, disciplinings.R5688:2; CR230:4
When he is tried— After his trials. R2258:3; CR230:4 When the trial time is over, when God has seen that he has demonstrated fully his loyalty. R5499:3, 5688:5 Does not mean one trial merely, but our entire experience. With every phase of trial and testing there should be a demonstration of loyalty. R5688:5
He shall receive— Jesus slept until the third day before he received his crown. The apostles and others slept for many centuries before they received theirs. R5688:5 That glory will follow promptly just as soon as the sufferings are accomplished. SM361:1
The crown of life— The joys of the Lord (Matt. 25:21). John speaks of the same crown (Rev. 2:10). Paul refers to it as a crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8). Peter calls it the crown of glory (1 Pet. 5:4). R3211:6, 5499:3 The reward of life; and this life is on the highest plane. It is the crown of glory because it is the reward which brings immortality; given to the "more than conquerors," the crown, or pinnacle of all life; the highest crown. R5499:3, 5688:2, 3282:1 The great reward. CR230:4
Promised to them— God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5 Such as are at heart fully the Lord's, not their own. R5500:1
That love him— Love supremely, love that is the chief impulse of our lives. R5499:2 A love that will lay down the earthly life in the service of God, that they may bring blessings to others.R5499:5

[NTC - James 1:13]

Tempted— Signifies to try, to prove. R1623:3 Pitfalls and snares, when right is made to appear wrong and wrong appear right. (Isa. 5:20) R3297:5Temptation does not imply sin. Sin could come only through yielding to temptation. R2568:5 Tempted to do evil, to commit sin. R5701:6
Tempted of God— Satan is the tempter, endeavoring to ensnare us into wrong paths and wrong conduct. However, God will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able to resist. (1 Cor. 10:13) R2568:5, 3353:4 James limited "temptation" to temptations to evil. God tempts us to do good. (Gen. 22:1) R5701:6 The temptations are of the Adversary, and of our fallen natures—through our own flesh, and through the weaknesses of others. R3353:4, 5701:3
God cannot be tempted— The Father always knows at once the good from the evil and has no inclination whatever to sin. Evil can have no influence with him. R5702:4,5, 1623:3 Not in accord with any suggestion that evil may be done so that good results may follow. R3145:3 Those who say that Jesus and the Father are one person must conclude the temptation of the devil (Matt. 4) was only a sham.R370:2 Our Lord Jesus is now in that condition where he cannot be tempted. When "changed" we shall likewise not be subject to evil or temptation. R5702:5
Neither tempteth he— If we should think of God as tempting us to sin, it would be a horrible thought; for by reason of his power, none could resist. R5701:6 It is slanderous to say that God causes or instigates sin, wickedness and crime; but proper to say he has not yet interfered to stop evil. R1270:3 An unqualified and authoritative statement that "evil" is not of God. R1299:5* God tempteth no man to sin, to do wrong. OV294:1; R5701:3 God is over and over declared righteous and holy, a God of truth and without iniquity; a just God and will do no iniquity. R1351:5 God has never directly used his mighty power to harden the heart of any human being; sin and selfishness have. R5263:2 God merely abandons to the tempter, or to the evil preferred course, those who choose the wrong way. NS95:1 It is a totally different matter that he permits Satan to tempt. SM325:1 But allowing such trials and testings will make us stronger, developing character through exercise in resisting evil. R2568:5 There is an evil one ever ready to attack the Lord's people to the extent the Lord will grant the opportunity, as with Job. R3807:2 "Tempted" signifies to try, to prove. God applies tests of character by permitting the alternatives of good and evil to be placed before the individual, to make manifest their character. R1623:3 Trials are needful for our perfecting. The Father will not hinder us from having temptations. R2005:3, 2568:5 Our prayer, "lead us not into temptation" (Matt. 6:13), does not signify we fear God will tempt us. We entreat him to guide our steps that no temptation be too severe. R3353:4

[NTC - James 1:14]

Tempted— Tried, proved. R1623:3, 4805:4 A man is tempted when he is led astray and enticed by his own selfish, fallen desires. R2005:3 Not every trial is of Satan; among our chief foes are our own weaknesses, predisposition to things selfish, depraved, sinful. R4810:6
Drawn away— He sins when he yields to those desires. R2005:3
Of his own lust— Taking hold of the evil thing instead of resisting it causes a beginning of the secret fault. R2248:6 Desire for wealth, power, revenge, etc. R1779:1, 1270:3 Our own natural desires and weaknesses; stimulated from without, often by our companions and associates in life. R5701:3 Every trial is not of the devil. Among our chief foes is the flesh: our inherent weaknesses and predisposition to things selfish, depraved, sinful. R4810:6, 2769:3 The evil passions of men lead them to the commission of evil deeds. R1299:5* The natural tendency is to blame someone else. R4805:4
Enticed— The enticements might be charged back primarily to Satan, but this does not clear us of personal responsibility. R5701:3

[NTC - James 1:15]

Lust— Desire. R5102:4, 4805:4, 3929:1, 2637:4, 2248:6, 1270:3; HG2:1 Selfish desire of any kind. R2891:6, 3929:1 Small, refined, insidious are the beginnings of such desires. R3929:1 Envy, ambition. R3929:1, 2637:4
Hath conceived— In the mind. R2891:6, 2248:6
It bringeth forth sin— Selfish desires, unrepulsed, conceive and bring forth to fruition, to consummation. R3929:1 Develops sinful words or deeds. R2891:6 The beginning of any sin is the first yielding to its intoxicating influence, and therefore we are faithfully warned to abstain from every appearance of evil. (1 Thess. 5:22) R2017:1
When it is finished— Completed. R5102:4 When sin, being full grown. R1449:5* Sin, with accelerating speed, ever tends downward to more vile conditions, until it ends in the shipwreck of everything that is noble and pure. R1964:3
Bringeth forth death— The second death. R3929:1, 5102:3, 5001:2, 2249:1, 1449:5* Not eternal torment. R3083:5; CR209:1 Only such as prefer their own wisdom to that of the Bible believe that all men will be everlastingly saved. R3083:6

[NTC - James 1:17]

Good gift and every perfect gift— God's plans for mankind are all good and perfect. R904:3 God himself is the fountain from which proceeds every good and perfect gift. R2465:1 All the pleasures which come or will come to us are the blessings which come down from above. NS515:5 Everything that anyone has is a gift; it is not of his own manufacture or creation. R4898:2 One feature of our development is to learn to know and appreciate whence our blessings come. R4883:6 Those who have the spirit of pride fail to recognize this truth. R5001:2 Are seen only by the eye of faith—those who have had their eyes of understanding opened. NS515:5 There is a difference between a "gift" and a "fruit." Possession of a gift may be acquired immediately, but a fruit requires time in which to develop. R5124:2 It is God's grace and not personal merit on our part that salvation is offered to us. R2286:5Present day inventions are foregleams of Messiah's Kingdom. R5153:3 Every gift from God is a blessing; even the second death is for the best interests of all. R5265:1
Is from above— Our blessings come not from any human being but from God, however much he may use human instrumentalities in conveying his blessings. R3971:1 It is of God's fullness that we have received. All God's creatures are dependent upon him. R4898:2,5
Father of lights— Our Father; the Gospel is "neither of man nor by man." R2133:2 Let us remember God's mercy towards us in the anointing of our eyes, that we may see the wonderful things in his Word. R4783:3 Every purpose of God is for the ultimate good of his creatures. R904:3 The eyes of the world have been blinded to the goodness of God; they have terrible dreads in their hearts. SM422:1 Those who believe the dead are alive make declarations respecting God's character and plan which would be a disgrace to any devil, and are far from the character and attributes of the Father of all mercies. R5674:1, 904:3
No variableness— "I am the Lord, I change not." (Mal. 3:6) R904:3 He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8) R1059:4, 324:6 From the rule of sending only good and what will work for good; never sending or causing wickedness, etc. R1269:1 The Word of God must stand, whether it be the word promising eternal life or the sentence of death.PD11/18
Shadow of turning— From that course of good. R1269:2 God has never overruled his original sentence of death. R428:6 The Lord states his purpose: it is unconditional, an affirmation not subject to contingencies. R984:6 Because of his immutability and unchangeableness, it would be impossible for the Lord God to deny himself. Q779:3 The principle of unchanging justice underlies all of our Father's doings and is the ground of our strong confidence in all his promises. E463

[NTC - James 1:18]

Begat— Begetting is the start of life. CR401:2 Begetting of the holy Spirit. R4124:6; CR401:2 Begotten of the truth. B22 To spiritual nature; to new nature, the new life. A194; R5580:1 As new creatures in Christ, begotten of God. R152:5,1595:1, 2440:3; NS19:3 This same influence or unction or anointing from on high as the beginning of a new life, a new nature. SM597:2 Sufferings are an evidence that we are accepted as sons and begotten by the Word of truth. R521:4
Us— Those in the "Holy" or spiritual-minded condition. T20 Not as the children of Christ, but children of his Father; our relationship to Jesus is that of brethren. E143, 144 Whose flesh is reckoned dead. R2440:3
With the word— The saints receive the first impulse in the divine life from God through his Word. A196 The Scriptures. R1007:3
Of truth— "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy Word is truth." (John 17:17) R377:4; B22 The message of God's love toward us in the forgiveness of our sins, and his call to us to return to his favor and likeness. R2204:1 Children who cannot understand at least the first principles of the doctrines of Christ could not be begotten by those principles, or influenced to a consecration. R366:2 The word of grace. R2409:5 Begotten of God by the Word of truth, and quickened by the holy Spirit. R1649:1, 4614:3
We should be— Future—we will reach that condition when "born of the spirit" into the full likeness of the "second Adam." R152:5 At birth—resurrection. R253:6
A kind of firstfruits— To God. R5298:3 Called out from among men that they might be first fruits unto God. SM545:T If the Head is of the first-fruits, the Body must be of the first-fruits. NS341:3 The Church. R555:6*, 984:6, 4330:3, 5298:3; HG670:6, 437:2, 422:5, 337:1; NS390:5, 243:2, 29:3 The "Church of the first-born." (Heb. 12:23) The Church is passed over in the night, especially saved in advance of others. R5273:1,5, 5870:2, 5641:1, 5371:6, 4966:6, 4823:2, 3995:5; NS333:1 Ancient Worthies sleep while God develops the Gospel age Church through the "better promises" to be first-fruits. R361:6 The little handful of saints walking in Jesus' footsteps are sharing in the "first resurrection." NS831:3 Specially selected from the world, and pupils in the school of Christ. NS604:3 Typed by the priests, the Little Flock; and the Levites, the Great Company. R5166:6, 5298:6, 1259:3; OV97:6 True Christians, the wheat of this age, which God is now harvesting. R2890:6"The firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb." (Rev. 14:4) R5870:1, 5640:6 We see firstfruits in two senses: the Church is the firstfruits of the whole creation; our Lord was the firstfruits of the Church.R3377:6, 3132:1 Our Lord's resurrection was the beginning of the first resurrection (Rev. 20:4; 1 Cor. 15:52,53), "the firstfruits of them that slept." (1 Cor. 15:20) He became the "firstborn among many brethren." (Rom. 8:29) R2747:5, 3132:1, 2796:4 The Little Flock. (Luke 12:32) R4702:4, 2490:2, 2074:6, 1023:6; HG340:1 Primarily, our Lord Jesus; secondarily, the Bride class; then there will be a large company—all on the spirit plane. The after fruits—mankind in general—to include the Ancient Worthies. R4999:1,2, 5298:6, 5166:6, 4967:14175:5 The Church must receive her inheritance before the ancient worthies for she is the firstfruits. R5772:3 A firstfruits implies afterfruits. It is God's intention to have the afterfruits, a great harvest, which will be gathered during the Millennial age. R5870:1, 4175:5, 5640:6, 4703:3, 3995:6, 3959:6, 2796:6, 555:6; CR340:4, 33:6* The resurrection of the Church, as the firstfruits, means, indirectly, the opening of the grave to every member of the human family. R4645:3, 3175:5; SM45:1; OV174:5,6 The elect Little Flock. This implies an after-fruitage much more numerous. R4702:4, 2490:2; NS660:2, 390:2 We see that strawberries are the firstfruits in that they come before other fruits in the spring—so the expression that the Church is the firstfruits of God's creatures does not imply that all will have the same nature. R3377:6, 5166:6, 3131:6
His creatures— God's. R253:6

[NTC - James 1:19]

Slow to speak— Not a few need to learn the lesson of quietness; to hear and learn, to be taught of God, before they have much to say. Those who are too forward and ready to teach, before they have received instruction from the Lord, are very apt not to know what they say. R2289:4 Not too ready to tell all of our plans and arrangements; to tell everything that we know. R3674:6
Slow to wrath— Greek, orge, anger. While God announces his anger, and shows its justice, he bids us beware of it, lest, because of our fallen condition, we err in judgment. R787:4,5

[NTC - James 1:20]

Wrath of man— We are not capable of judging our fallen fellow creatures. R787:5
Righteousness— The right will or mind. R1779:1, 1270:4

[NTC - James 1:21]

Lay apart— Putting away. (Revised Version) R4634:3
Superfluity of naughtiness— Overflowing of wickedness. (Revised Version) R4634:6
Receive with meekness— God in this age is calling a class possessed of ears of appreciation for his message. R5038:3 Reject all extraneous matter; discard the things which are without scriptural authority. R5612:4 Only for the meek is the Word of God's testimony intended, only such are ready to receive. E91 Not into a heart filled with selfishness or a spirit of vainglory or pride, or irreverence or ingratitude. R2058:4*

[NTC - James 1:22]

Be ye doers— Called to bear good fruits, to walk the narrow way of self-denial, self-sacrifice and character development. R3317:5 One seeks for the doctrines and principles of the divine Word, and builds his faith structure upon that true foundation which the divine revelation affords. R5029:6 "He that hath my Word let him speak my word faithfully." (Jer. 23:28) "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God." (1 Pet. 4:11) R1882:6 Shows the importance of obeying the good tidings and its good results. R3746:3 To fancy ourselves as making spiritual progress merely by gaining information respecting the Lord and his teachings is to crack the nut and drop the kernel. R2694:2 Does not profit the reader who fails to meditate upon its precepts, or who only occasionally looks into the perfect law of liberty and beholds himself, forgets, then fails to apply the instruction. R2146:5* Blessed are our eyes, if, seeing and hearing of the Lord's grace and goodness toward all of his creatures, we at once fall into obedience to the spirit of the great Teacher's instructions. R2694:5 Its authority was received and appreciated, and from its blessed testimony were drawn precious lessons of faith, obedience, gratitude, humility, fortitude, reverence. R2058:4*
Hearers— Not forgetful hearers, but doers of the word. F316
Deceiving your own selves— Deluding. R5626:4 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 7:21) R3317:6, 3747:6 In order to have his approval, it will be necessary that we develop characters in conformity with the Father's will—more than calling ourselves Christian, and preaching to others in the Lord's name. R3318:2

[NTC - James 1:24]

Goeth his way— The Word of the Lord cannot profit any one who does not in a meek and prayerful spirit come to its pages for instruction. R2146:5*

[NTC - James 1:25]

Perfect law of liberty— Applicable now only to the new creation. Others still under either the Mosaic Law or the condemnation of the original law. During the Millennium the world will be under a law of obedience. Not until the close of the Kingdom will the race be put under the law of liberty. F377, 378; R2122:2 Love, and its Golden Rule. F378; D307; R2986:5, 2688:2; SM337:1; HG584:1* "The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus." (Rom. 8:2) R3018:1 Christ's word is our law; not a law of bondage, but of liberty. R973:4 This law of love works no ill to a neighbor and no ingratitude or irreverence to God, but is holy and just and good. Nothing else than love can secure the fullest liberty for every individual without in the least infringing upon the liberties of any other individual. R1462:6*, 2688:2, 1498:3 "The Lord is that spirit: and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Cor. 3:17) R1322:5*
Continueth therein— "Continueth therein free." R1729:1, 973:4 "Continueth to do so"—continual looking into God's Word. R645:5*
Not a forgetful hearer— The promise of the divine favor and blessing is not to the forgetful, listless hearers who fail to apply their hearts unto instruction, but to the attentive hearers and faithful doers of the Word. R2093:5, 1595:4
Doer of the work— One who exercises his liberty. R1729:1, 973:4
Shall be blessed— Such fulfill the royal law—love and liberty. R973:4, 1729:1 The earnest and faithful soul who applied his heart unto instruction. R1595:4 Blessed not in his profession, not in his desire, nor yet in his determination; but blessed in his doing. R1802:3*

[NTC - James 1:26]

His tongue— Which is the index of the heart. R2517:2
Vain— If unbridled, speaks selfishly, enviously, bitterly, boastfully, slanderously, and proves the heart is grievously lacking of the spirit of Christ. R2517:2

[NTC - James 1:27]

Unspotted— "Without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing." (Eph. 5:27) R2782:6 White sheep, who walk with the Lord in white, are a mere handful. NS370:6 Implies a possibility of having our robe of Christ's righteousness spotted. R2782:6 Those espoused ones are cautioned that their treatment of their robes will determine if they will be of the Bride class. SM254:2 They "have not defiled their garments." (Rev. 3:4) R4870:4 Through receiving of the spirit of the world, we blemish or sully our wedding garment. R2782:6 That his garment might be embroidered with all the graces of the Lord's character. R2788:4 They have not been willing to have sin contaminate them and to separate them from the Lord, but have quickly applied for and obtained the precious blood to remove every stain. R4870:4, 689:5; Q673:T, 283:4 Though still actually imperfect, only reckoned righteous, still liable to and sometimes overcome by evil because of inherited weakness, we may realize, on confession, the forgiveness of every sin and that the precious blood—the ransom—keeps us clean from every stain of sin. R689:5 "That wicked one toucheth them not." (1 John 5:18) R4870:4

[NTC - James 2:3]

Ye have respect— We are to mind not high things, but to condescend to men of low estate; to show no preference to the man that wears the fine clothing or the gold ring, but to regard highest those who do the will of God. R1956:2
In a good place— The choicest seats—treated with deference and respect. R5886:3
Under my footstool— Obscure places—treated with scant courtesy, as though they were inferiors. R5886:6

[NTC - James 2:4]

Become judges— Judgment was passed upon the brethren contrary to the instructions of the Lord. R5886:6

[NTC - James 2:5]

Hath not God chosen— As a rule. R2761:2, 2520:3 All down through the Gospel age the Lord's invitations have been extended chiefly to those in the humbler walks of life. R3720:5, 2580:1
The poor— "Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called." (1 Cor. 1:26) R5676:4, 5692:2, 5415:5, 4969:3, 4158:2, 3953:3, 3797:6, 3707:6, 2948:2, 1642:4, 1172:3, 1102:6, 1047:3; D516; SM511:1, 176:2; HG746:3; NS809:3, 647:1, 470:2, 412:4, 388:6, 331:3, 270:2, 128:3; OV297:T*, 215:3* The two prosperities, temporal and spiritual, under present conditions, can rarely exist side by side in the same individual's experience. R2860:3, 2761:2, 2520:2
"How hardly [with what difficulty] shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:23) R2761:2, 2728:6; NS270:2 The filled, the rich, the satisfied, are frequently less interested in the Savior than are the poor; they do not realize so great need for him and for the Millennial Kingdom he is to establish. R4534:3; SM511:1, 13:2 This does not debar those who have riches of any kind; they have that much greater talent which, if they will, they may sacrifice. R2702:5 Not the literally poor; the "poor in spirit" (Matt. 5:3), the humble-minded. R2580:1Strong characters may be developed and high ideals attained in the heart and in deeds amongst the lowly and obscure. R3952:3 Poverty of purse and intellect are much more favorable to the development of humility than are riches of any kind. R2580:1 The poor in this world's goods, and in talents and influence, having practically nothing to sacrifice but their wills, find it easier to comply with the conditions.R2762:3 Like their Master, of "no reputation" or influence. (Phil. 2:7) D516 Jesus was very poor and humble when on the earth; "for our sakes he became poor." (2 Cor. 8:9) Few of the Little Flock have money or influence. R811:1*, 983:2, 285:5, 210:1* Though not generally learned, neither are they ignorant. They are close students of God's Word, and the wisdom derived therefrom gives them an education this world can never attain. R1102:6 The number of wise, learned people who are willing to become fools in the estimation of men, for Christ's sake, is exceedingly small. R2948:3 We can rejoice with the poor and less influential who have received the Gospel message, that doubtless their poverty, etc., were favorable factors to their advantage. We can sympathize with the great and rich. R5075:3 Very shortly the Lord will show how different is the divine standard of measurement; among the Lord's priests will be some very lightly esteemed amongst men. R3054:5 Many might be disposed to despise them, to slight them, because they know them not. R3797:6 The glorified Little Flock will not contain many great, rich or wise according to the world's estimate. R2122:5 Those that realize most keenly their own insufficiency and weakness and the hopelessness of ever gaining any great earthly prize are the ones who appreciate the proffer of the heavenly crown. NS135:6 We advise colaborers to search for the Lord's jewels among the humble. R1954:2 Its numbers have always been small and its circumstances humble. R1754:5The rich, the noble, the learned, the self-satisfied righteous are not in the condition of heart to hunger and thirst after the things which God has to give now. HG746:3 We need not expect many great or wise or learned to be our companions in the narrow way. NS85:5 Riches, honors and fame draw the heart's affection and zeal away from heavenly things and to the good earthly portion being enjoyed. NS67:3 Worldly-wise are few because they feel their own superiority and seek not heavenly wisdom nor divine approval. SM13:2
Rich in faith— Who have faith to believe the message, who enter into rest through faith. (Heb. 4:3) R3707:6 Who will understand the things of God and be initiated into the mysteries of the Kingdom. SM13:2 Without great faith in God they will never be able to overcome the trials of the present time. CR408:6
Heirs— Prospectively heirs; these shall be glorified with their Lord in the Kingdom. R2406:1 Whom God has ordained to be heirs of the Kingdom. R2246:4, 32:3* Not numerically strong; their reigning, their power and their control in the world's affairs will not come until their resurrection change. R5692:2, 5676:4 It is evident that James does not mean the nominal church, which is now reigning with the world; for the rich are pressed into it. A284
Of the kingdom— The only sense in which Christ's Kingdom was begun at the first advent was in its embryo condition. R1747:5, 1351:6; A284
He hath promised— God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5
To them that love him— These are to be the "royal priesthood" (1 Pet. 2:9), to whom shall be committed the full control of earth during the "times of restitution." (Acts 3:21) R2490:2 These are to be heirs of the glory, honor and immortality which God has in reservation for them. NS368:5

[NTC - James 2:8]

The royal law— The law of love; supreme love to God, and love to the neighbor as to self. R1498:3 Those who have made a full consecration of heart to the Lord have a battle to wage to fulfill the royal law of love, notwithstanding their intention, purity of heart, and wills. R5123:4 This law of love under which we are placed, contains the spirit of the Law to Israel: the Ten Commandments, and even more. R542:6 We are no longer under the letter, but under the spirit—the greater law of love. HG584:1
As thyself— Not better than thyself; there seems to be a limitation to the love commanded by the Law. Our Lord's sacrifice transcends that required of the Law. R3804:6

[NTC - James 2:10]

The whole law— With ten divisions. R608:1, 5071:4, 812:1* It is a perfect law. It requires the full measure of a perfect man's ability to keep it. R812:1*; E108
Offend in one point— God could not look upon sin with any degree of allowance. R812:2* None can keep it perfectly. R543:5
He is guilty of all— Thus every mouth is stopped from claiming the right to life, and all the world stands guilty before God. A101 Any violation of divine law is sin, whether committed willingly or unwillingly. R1983:3 He could claim nothing under it, but must be condemned as a violator, unworthy of life. R929:5, 608:1, 604:5*, 543:5

[NTC - James 2:12]

The law of liberty— Nothing else than love can secure the fullest liberty for every individual without infringing upon the liberties of any other individual. R1462:6, 2426:5 By which we are now being judged. R2426:5

[NTC - James 2:13]

Have judgment— Just sentence; the second death. R2329:3,4 For he shall have a second trial (judgment) after this life. HG220:3
Shewed no mercy— He who shows no mercy shall receive no mercy. F417 If our standard in dealing with others be one of exact justice, we may expect no mercy at the Lord's hands. R2667:5
Mercy rejoiceth— The merciful will obtain mercy—be extremely merciful to others, hoping that the Lord would be correspondingly lenient to us. R5324:4 Mercy is an outward expression of love. OV405:1
Against judgment— Not through a failure of justice, but through a satisfaction of justice. R2328:2 Against the execution of justice. R3735:2Divine mercy satisfied divine justice. R2587:2 Love has gained a victory over justice. OV405:1 It will require the entire thousand years of Messiah's reign before mercy shall have fully triumphed over justice. OV408:2

[NTC - James 2:14]

Have not works— Works to correspond; to attest the faith. R4378:1 That humble confidence which espouses God's unpopular cause, which perseveres in pursuing it in face of all opposition, and which endures whatever approach, discouragement, privation, and even persecution it may bring. R1159:1* Our works should be the outgrowth of that faith. R2162:2*
Can faith save him— James is combatting a prevalent theory of his day that works amounted to nothing; that it was faith which counted. R5892:5 Many have supposed doctrinal conflict between Paul and James. There was no such conflict. R4377:2, 30:1* By works is faith made perfect. R2159:1 It is faith that works by love which counts. R4378:1, 811:3* "This faith is not able to save him." (Diaglott) R2162:2*
"Without faith it is impossible to please him [God]" (Heb. 11:6), and if faith without works is of no advantage, the inference is plain that without works it is equally impossible to please God. R1158:1*,2162:2* We are not to think that mere belief that makes no impression upon the life and is unaccompanied by any effort to live pleasing to God, would do any real good. R2159:3

[NTC - James 2:15]

Naked, and destitute— There were both rich and poor in the assemblies of the primitive Church. R2932:4 Some were able to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc., which illustrates that love exists among the real brethren of Christ. R811:2*

[NTC - James 2:16]

What doth it profit— To tell a poor brother that God will help him and to send him away without relief, when it is within our power to relieve him, would not be such a faith as God would approve. It would profit us nothing. R4378:1 The measure of our love for the Lord will be measured by our love for the brethren. NS79:4

[NTC - James 2:17]

If it hath not— Does not produce character. R3114:2
Works— Faith which worketh by love. R811:3*, 4378:1 Corresponding works which attest its genuineness. R2162:2*, 2159:5
Is dead— It cannot be called a living faith; it has given no evidence of life; it has shown no quickening; it is barren. R4378:1,2 A faith that will not develop obedience is unavailing. R4378:2 Has lost its vitality, its virtue, its life. It is worthless. R2847:4 Is null and void. R3114:2 A putrid thing, offensive to both God and man. R2159:5
Being alone— Greek, heautou, by itself. E170, 171

[NTC - James 2:18]

My faith— Based on reasonable premise or foundation. R1158:2 Faith is a mental conviction respecting things not positively proven to the senses, but received on supposedly good authority. Faith requires, and inquires for, good sound evidence and authority for its basis. Faith is not credulity, does not jump at conclusions, but makes investigations and sees that it has some reasonable ground for its existence. R5892:1,2 It will be our faith in God and in the Lord Jesus that will bring us the victory, but the victory will be accounted only to those who shall, to the best of their ability, work out their salvation with fear and trembling. R5407:3
By my works— James is opposing the wrong deductions from Paul's teaching. R5892:6 He whose life is not in harmony with his faith dishonors that faith and will not be permitted to maintain it very long. R2159:5 A living faith shows itself by work. R5470:2; NS344:1 Faith and works together are bringing us into the character-likeness of Christ. R5470:2 God will test us by our works as to the strength of our faith. R5892:6 If we have all works and no faith, we shall fail. R5478:2 Not that we are to attain the Kingdom by our works; for we are unable to do perfect works. R5407:2; NS39:3,6

[NTC - James 2:19]

Thou believest— There is no special virtue in believing an evident truth; but it is lying and self-deception to disbelieve any truth of which we have clear evidence. Faith must be accompanied by obedience. R606:5 God will expect to find in us such works as we are capable of. NS39:6
Thou doest well— Surely this is not the extent of your faith. R4378:2
The devils also believe— Fallen angels. R2171:5; F625; HG725:3,5 Satan is a student of God's Word and a believer of it; he has learned that every word of God is sure. R265:6 By merely believing that Jesus died, and that he was holy, etc., no one can become his disciple. R5833:2; NS167:5
And tremble— Because they know the Lord's power. R606:5 For having presumptuously sinned against God in the fact of truth and knowledge. R606:5

[NTC - James 2:20]

O vain man— Foolish. R4378:2
Without works— The right kind of faith will make an outward manifestation, according to circumstances. R4377:3
Is dead— Barren. It can never bring you life, birth, even as imperfect works failed to justify to life under the Law Covenant. R4378:2 It speedily loses its vitality, its value, its very existence. R2692:3

[NTC - James 2:21]

Was not— Note the case of Abraham. R4378:2
Abraham— God placed a crucial test upon Abraham's faith, which would have proven it inefficient, if it had not developed to the stage of obedience. R4378:2
Our father— Father of the faithful. R4378:2, 5892:6
Justified— To friendship with God, not to life. R5774:5
By works— His was not an empty profession of loyalty; he demonstrated his faith by works of obedience. R5774:5 Abraham sought to be as nearly perfect in conduct as possible. R5207:1

[NTC - James 2:22]

Faith wrought with his works— Abraham manifested his faith by his general conduct. R2854:2, 30:1* Abraham loved the Lord and desired to serve him. R3915:6 These works are not ours as men but as new creatures. R3586:2
Faith made perfect— Developed to the quickening stage of works of obedience. R4378:2

[NTC - James 2:23]

It was imputed— Abraham's faith was a working faith. The Bible worthies (Heb. 11) were justified by faith when their faith led them to do what God required of them. R50:1* His faith was proved an acceptable one by works of obedience. R2159:4
Friend of God— Received into the favor that Adam had lost, viz., communion with God as a "friend." A228 R273:6 Noble and grand as Abraham was, yet he is merely styled "the friend of God." NS662:6 God loved him and treated him as a friend. R5892:6 Abraham was justified to receive God's favor and to be told secrets that God would tell to a friend.Q698:7 God proved his servant under a fiery ordeal which manifested a character which he could approve and highly reward. R1623:3; Q267:T The world will require 1000 years to reach that peace with God which the elect class of this age reaches almost instantly, by faith similar to Abraham's. R4476:1; Q267:T

[NTC - James 2:24]

How that by works— Such fruits of righteousness as may be possible for us under present imperfect conditions. F109 Our faith must not be without works to the extent of our ability.F107

[NTC - James 2:25]

Likewise also— Fearful that he had given an example so lofty as would discourage us, James holds up another illustration of faith and works. R4378:2
Justified by works— Rahab had faith in God, but it would not have availed her if it had not developed to activity and helpful service, risking her own interests. R4378:3 Not by faith alone. HG249:2

[NTC - James 2:26]

The body— A body must be had before any spirit of life could come into it. R4378:4
Without the spirit— Spirit of life. R4378:4 Greek, pneuma, life-spark, breath of lives. E317
Is dead— Quickening is absolutely necessary to have spirit birth. R4378:4 The spirit without the body is also dead. HG200:5
Faith without works— Faith must exist before it can be quickened into activity. R4378:4 Faith cannot live without manifesting itself. All of our services to the Lord are valuable chiefly as proofs of our faith in his promises. R2425:4, 1406:1

[NTC - James 3:1]

Be not many masters— "Be not many [of you] masters [teachers]." (Diaglott, Revised Version) R5185:3, 5389:4, 4122:4, 3822:6, 2156:2 The spirit of ambition, rivalry and desire to be greatest amongst the Lord's people is one of the most dangerous foes of the Church. R5268:6 Those that have a special gift of speech and another special gift of opportunity to use this speech exert a wide influence; their responsibility is proportionate. R5020:3 Eldership has great temptation and great danger. R5185:3; CR122:2 Little men, like little ships with broad sails, are in great danger of being capsized if too strong a wind of popularity play upon them. R3363:4 There seems to be a special danger surrounding all who become identified with the promulgation of truth. R5956:3 In 2 Tim. 3:1-5 there is a picture that fits well to our day throughout Christendom; and it is not strange that something of the same general spirit seeks to invade the camp of the saints. The trouble is a grievous one and especially injurious to the brethren who may yield to such headiness: nothing is surer to sap spiritual vitality and to lead us into darkness, both doctrinal and spiritual. R3613:5 Those who have seen the truth clearly and have some talents will have the severest trial on that account. R5001:4 The Church is very much at the mercy of the leaders. R5389:4The Church should choose for its servants only those of humble mind. R2952:1 When elders seek to bring the class under their control and succeed, does it not show that the class lacks the very quality that the Lord tells us he desires to see—courage, overcoming? It is inexcusable for the Church possessed of this spirit to continue under the domination of ambitious men. R5981:6
That we— That the man who is a teacher. R4364:1 F267; R5389:4, 4502:5, 4448:4, 2654:5, 2180:3
Shall receive— Shall in any failure. R4364:1 Will experience. R4448:4
The greater condemnation— Severer judgment. (Diaglott) R3823:1 Heavier judgment. (Revised Version) R2156:2, 4502:5, 4380:2 Severer trial, severer test; greater responsibility in proportion to ability. R5389:4, 5956:3, 5020:3, 4709:3, 4502:5, 4448:4, 3613:5, 2654:5, 2180:3, 1406:1*; F267 Severer sentence; temptations and responsibilities increase with every advance step. F258; R5389:4 A teacher is exposed to more criticism. Unfaithfulness or carelessness would bring heavy condemnation. R4380:2 The besetments of teachers are pride and arrogance. R4503:1 Many admitted to the Lord's favor and privileged to confess him before men have stumbled over their own honor and exaltation. R3790:2

[NTC - James 3:2]

We offend all— We are imperfect. R4502:5 We all stumble. R4380:6 We are all faulty. R1938:5 All commit unintentional violations of God's law. R5750:6
If any man— The man who thinks unjustly will act unjustly. The new creature must be disciplined even to the control of his thoughts. SM432:2
Offend not in word— Does not err in word. R1938:5 Sin not with the tongue. R5517:3
A perfect man— Such a man does not exist. R1938:5 Even the most advanced of the Lord's people are liable at times to err with their lips. R3305:6
Bridle— Control. R1938:5 A chief essential in an elder. R3783:3 Your self-restrain—the bridling of the whole body. R4381:1 The new will takes hold that the tongue shall go in the proper direction only. R4381:2
The whole body— Whoever could preclude his ever stumbling in speech would prove his ability to control every avenue of his nature. Self-restraint is necessary in all affairs of life. R4381:1

[NTC - James 3:3]

Bits in the horses mouths— Christians should put a bridle of restraint into their own mouths. R5020:6 Will move and control his strength. R2156:6

[NTC - James 3:4]

Driven of fierce winds— In the face of the most severe gales. R4381:2
A very small helm— Christians should have a rudder whereby to steer their own course in life. R5020:6

[NTC - James 3:5]

Even so— As the bit in the horse's mouth will control his strength; and as the small rudder of a vessel will direct its course; so the tongue, and the pen, its representative, may influence large numbers of people for good or ill. R4805:1
The tongue— Though little, it is the most dangerous member of all because it has the widest influence. R5517:3 Should be the new creature's most useful servant; it can accomplish great things, either for good or for evil. R4381:2, 2156:3 With which we praise God, could be used in doing injury to fellow creatures. R5908:5 It may scatter kind words that will never die, but go on and on blessing the living and through them the yet unborn. Or, "full of deadly poison," it may scatter poisonous seeds of thought to embitter the lives of some, and to blight and crush the lives of others. F407
Boasteth great things— Boasting often leads us into error and fastens us there because we are not humble enough to acknowledge the fault. It is an evidence of pride. R5020:6, 5021:1
How great a matter— How destructive a disturbance. R2603:4
A little fire kindleth— The little fire of a match might be so used as to set on fire a forest. R4381:2, 5020:6, 2502:5 What a great destruction of all the work of grace may be accomplished by a little pride or fond desire or self-gratification; not that the little beginnings mean second death, but that they will surely lead on toward it unless the individual be recovered. R5102:3

[NTC - James 3:6]

The tongue is a fire— The organ itself is never meant, but speech, oral or written. The tongue can paint pictures more quickly and more vividly than any painter's brush. R4381:3 The tongue and the pen are often used as weapons of evil. R5779:1 The public servants of the Church are to some extent specially its "tongues." How necessary that all the tongue-servants be such as are of the Lord's spirit! R2447:4 Causing no end of burning of wrath, envy, hatred, strife, and stimulating all the fallen passions and desires. R2156:6, 4805:2 Evil speaking, slander, backbiting: these are the matches which enkidle the flame. NS565:1
A world of iniquity— Every iniquity in the world can be introduced descriptively by the tongue; by the tongue every form of evil may find its highest power. R4381:3
So is the tongue— So important is the tongue. R2603:3 The tongue is established among our members. R2502:5
Defileth the whole body— The Church. R2447:5
Setteth on fire— By slanders, evil speaking, evil surmising, hints, insinuations. R4381:6 Awakening passions, strifes, enmities, at first unthought of. R2447:4 Scandal-mongering ministers evil. The scandal kindles in the heart of the hearer a flame of carnal sentiment which issues from the lips. R2443:5
The course of nature— Literally, the wheel of life; the human course from cradle to tomb. Possibly James had specially in mind the course of the new creature and its dangers. R4381:3 The course of life. R2502:5 By stirring up the evil poisons and propensities of the fallen nature. R2447:5 Angry, bitter, sarcastic, taunting words may set ablaze the course of a whole life and impel it with angry force towrad second death. R5021:1 A few malicious words often arouse all the evil passions of speaker and hearer. R2603:4
And it is set on fire— When it is set on fire. R2603:4 Enkindled. R2502:5 Figuratively. R2603:4Signifies a tongue set going in evil by a perverse disposition, self-willed, selfish, hateful, malicious. Unless controlled and reformed, will be counted worthy to be destroyed. R2603:4
Of hell— Greek, Gehenna, the valley of Hinnom, the lake of fire, second death. R2601:2, 4805:2, 4584:2, 4381:4, 4217:5, 2447:4, 2156:6 The entire spiritual prospect blighted, destroyed. R4381:3 Evil-breeding words are like sparks from Gehenna, tending toward destruction. R5021:1 The evil, malicious, baneful, slanderous, backbiter is already himself bitten by the Adversary, and unless cured, his would surely be a case of second death. R4584:2, 4217:5

[NTC - James 3:7]

For every kind— For every species, both of wild beasts and of birds and of reptiles and of sea-creatures. R2502:5
Is tamed, and— Is tamable and has been tamed. R2502:5
Of mankind— By the human race. R2502:5

[NTC - James 3:8]

The tongue can no man tame— The tongue is the most powerful member of the human body and is the most wonderful power that God has given us. R5122:6 The tongue's influence exceeds that of all our other members combined. R2447:4 The power to conquer the tongue and to make it tame and obedient and thoroughly reliable has never yet been demonstrated. R4381:5Since the tongue is the agent speaking for the sentiments of the heart, it follows that it is the heart that needs to be converted. R5021:1 If with our tongues we are doing injury we are deceiving ourselves with respect to our real attitude toward God. R5021:4
An unruly evil— An irrestrainable evil. R2502:5 The evil is so ingrained as to elude the notice of the new nature sometimes for years; they do it unconsciously. R2443:5 Restless, ceaseless. R4381:5
Full of deadly poison— Death-producing poison. R2502:5 James' illustration seems to be that of a serpent. R5021:2 No serpent bite contains so dangerous, so violent poison. The serpent's bite may cause pain and physical death, but the tongue can produce moral ravage, which will bite, devour and cause madness to others, and its influence extends to death eternal. R4381:5 It may scatter poisonous seeds of thoughts to embitter the lives of some and blight and crush others. F407

[NTC - James 3:9]

Therewith bless— Honor, praise. F407, 586 R5122:6, 2156:6 Praising God, confessing his grace and mercy and love. R4381:5, 5021:4 God's people bless or praise his name with their tongues in prayer, in hymns of praise, in declaring his truth, in witnessing to his providences, by showing forth his praises. R2443:2, 5021:4 The tongue may be a channel for a great blessing, swaying large numbers to the Lord, the truth and the way of righteousness. R2156:3 Speak only that which is helpful and uplifting. R4831:4
And therewith curse— Greek, kataraomai, condemnation, to speak against, to speak evil of, to injure. R2443:3, 701:5 Injure, defame, blight. F407, 586; R4813:1 Backbite, slander, defame, crush, mortify, scathe, flay their fellowmen. R5021:4 By slanders, evil-speaking and evil-surmising, hints, insinuations. R4381:6 If contaminated with error, the tongue can do almost untellable harm; injury to faith, to morals, to good works. R2156:3Every false teaching is a curse to those who receive it. R2157:1 Not only may we injure those within reach of our tongue, but our words might extend their influence throughout the world and from generation to generation. R5122:6
We— Not James and the Church, but the whole world. However, there were some in the Church. R2156:6 The "brethren"; not the world. R2442:3,4381:5, 5021:4
Similitude— Likeness. R2156:6

[NTC - James 3:10]

Out of the same mouth— If the same tongue can curse men and praise God, how careful we should be to speak that only which will be helpful and uplifting, and not destructive and injurious. R4831:4
Blessing and cursing— Good and evil influences. R2157:1
My brethren— The entire epistle is addressed to the Church, not to the world. R2442:3
Ought not so to be— We must see to it that we learn this great lesson. We must be overcomers. Our hearts are to dominate our tongues and gain a victory. R4381:6

[NTC - James 3:11]

A fountain— The same fountain could not yield salt water and fresh. R4381:6
Sweet water— A sweet fountain, a pure fountain, a love fountain. R4224:4 The divine Word, carrying blessing and refreshment and strength. R2157:1"A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." (Matt. 7:16-18, Luke 6:43-45) R848:3
And bitter— Gossip and scandal. F407 Bitter waters of hate, of malice, of envy, of strife. R4224:4, 4381:6, 5021:4, 4201:2 Bitter waters cannot come from a pure fountain. R4201:2 False doctrines that would cause a curse, an injury, dishonouring God and perverting his Word. R2157:1

[NTC - James 3:13]

Endued with knowledge— Knowledge truly is of great importance, but it is only as it develops wisdom, sound judgment and pure and high-toned sentiment. R1448:2
Good conversation— Honorable conduct. It is by our conduct and not by our professions that we are to be judged. R1448:5, 1406:1 Of a truly helpful, strengthening kind; to mind and heart and character. R2724:3
With meekness— Humility. R1448:5

[NTC - James 3:14]

Glory not— If ye have strife in your hearts, glory not to think yourselves led of the Lord and guided by his true wisdom. R2263:4
Lie not against the truth— To harbor a spirit of malice, of bitter envy and strife, while professing to have the spirit of truth. R1448:3 Let him not thus put darkness for light, to thus lie to himself or others. F408

[NTC - James 3:15]

This wisdom— Which in selfishness seeks its own gratification and advancement, envying others. R2263:5 A wisdom or low cunning which is prompted by a spirit of envy and strife. Pride and selfishness are its inspiration. R1448:3, 1518:3 Whoever has such a slanderous and bitter spirit has the very reverse of the spirit of Christ; the spirit of Satan for the spirit of the Anointed. F408 Of envy and strife. R1285:1 Is merely bitter jealousy and strife. HG470:3
Not from above— Not of God, not of the holy Spirit. R2446:3
But is earthly— Continually gravitating lower and lower. R1518:3
Sensual, devilish— The general trend of worldly wisdom is in this direction. F515 The wisdom which Satan gives is very undesirable; as many, too late, have discovered. R2180:3

[NTC - James 3:16]

Envying— Envy is one of the principal roots of human depravity, selfishness, and from this root have sprung some of the most injurious influences and experiences known to man, "every evil work." R3971:1 Selfishly for its own advancement. R2263:5 An unclean, only partially sanctified condition of the heart. If these weeds of the old fallen nature are permitted to grow they will not only be noxious but will gradually crowd out and kill all the sweet and beautiful flowers and graces of the Spirit. F408
There is confusion— Disquiet, unrest. F408
And every evil work— To be anticipated. R2446:3

[NTC - James 3:17]

But the wisdom— "Wisdom is the principal thing." (Prov. 4:7) R3479:5 "The reverence of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Prov. 9:10) R1518:2Christ is the personification of that wisdom which from eternity was an attribute of Jehovah. R1518:2 That reasons on the basis of proven divine revelation. R1567:4 This we get from the Bible. CR496:6, 498:5 Comes through the channel of divine truth. R1448:2 To be studied along the lines of the inspired Scriptures. NS816:2 Those who have this kind of wisdom, the attitude of heart and mind to receive instruction of the Lord, are sure to get understanding of whatever truth is meat in due season. R1520:1 Wisdom that reasons on the basis of a proved divine revelation. R1567:4 Jesus had a wisdom based upon love and service to others. R1448:6 It has a smoothing, oiling, unctuous effect upon all who receive it. SM608:T
That is from above— More to be desired than all the wisdom of earth. F538 If we would have divine approval we must have the divine wisdom which we learn from the Word of God. R5512:1
Is first— Following the prescription of heavenly wisdom assures us God's favor. R5571:3
Pure— Truthful, honest, sincere, not used as a garment of light to cover up selfishness, makes no compromise with sin or impurity in any form. R2446:6 Purity of intention and motive. R3604:2 Guileless, honorable, open, above-board, utterly opposed to secret whisperings and backbiting, receiving the pure word of wisdom into a good and honest heart. It does not deceive itself into believing that self-will is the Lord's will. R2263:5; F99 Truthful and loyal to righteousness. R2214:5 God first; his will, his plan, his ways. R5906:4 Unselfish. R1448:5 Purity is the highest standard. HG471:2 Not peace first, but purity. It is earthly wisdom which commands the conscience to be still that selfish peace may be promoted. F99
Then peaceable— It loves and desires peace, harmony, unity; but it can only be fully in harmony with that which is pure and honest and good. R2263:5 No quarrelsome, bickering disposition; would prefer, so far as possible, to yield a non-essential point in controversy, loves opponents and sympathizes with their difficulties. R2446:6 Our conduct should be as peaceable as loyalty to righteousness will permit. HG471:3 Peace-loving, peace-disposed. R3604:3
Gentle— In action or word or tone. If injury has been done to others, is ready, willing, glad to apologize and to remove the smart. R2446:6 Not rude, coarse, rough, and has no sympathy with such a spirit and such methods. It is not only of God, but God-like. R2263:5, 2446:6; F99 Extends from the inside to the outside. HG471:3
Easy to be entreated— Easy of approach, not haughty, not disdainful, not hard or cruel, yet firm on matters of principle. Principles cannot be bent or modified; they belong to God. R2446:6A firm texture of character, without coarseness, roughness, rudeness, hardness. HG471:6 Only in harmony with purity, peace, and gentleness; not easily entreated to assist in any evil work. R2263:6; F99 Easy of entreatment. R3603:3 Not cold, repulsive, or hard-hearted. R3604:3
Full of mercy— It rejoices in mercy, because that is a part of its very self, but it cannot have the slightest sympathy or affiliation with willful wrong-doers. R2263:6; F99 Not only to dumb animals under its care, but in dealing with brethren and family; not over- exacting, but generous, kind, benevolent; not wishing to push a victory to such a point as would be injurious, hurtful, unmerciful. R2446:6 With generous impulses, kindly feelings, compassion and sympathy for those in trouble and distress. HG471:6 Not alarming the world unnecessarily. F592
And good fruits— It delights in all things prompted by love and kindness; it takes pleasure in doing for others. R2446:6 The good fruits of the spirit of the Lord are sure to proceed from the heart in which rules the spirit of love, honesty, purity, peaceableness and gentleness. R2263:6 The fruits of the spirit: meekness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, brotherly kindness, love. R3604:5
Without partiality— Partiality would signify injustice—no respecters of persons except as character shall demonstrate real value—the outward features, the natural man, the color of his skin, etc., are ignored. R2263:6; F100 Not approving a fault in a brother, because he is a brother, but reproving the same with gentleness and meekness; not failing to see a virtue in any enemy, nor hesitating to acknowledge it; truth is its standard, not prejudice, not partyism, not sectarianism. R2447:1 Not pick out some of special class and ignore some of the poorer or less literate. OV232:3; NS590:1
Without hypocrisy— So pure, so peaceable, so gentle, so merciful toward all that there is no necessity for hypocrisy. F100; R2264:1 Out of harmony, sympathy, and fellowship with all that is sinful. F100; R2264:1 Thoroughly candid; needs not to feign love, because it is love; needs not to put on a kindly exterior, for it is without envy and strife. R2447:1

[NTC - James 4:2]

Ye ask not— Failing to pray for help in time of need, forgiveness for failures, humility in victories, thanks for privileges of service, supplications for further opportunities for service, thanks for trials and temptations. R2006:1

[NTC - James 4:3]

Ye ask— Pray. R5790:3 We should be careful what we ask for. R5202:6 God accepts as our prayers all the good thoughts and sentiments of our minds, as well as those expressed by our tongues. R5311:5
And receive not— Receive not answers to your prayers. R5790:3 Petitions according to the Lord's will shall be answered, but those contrary to his will shall remain unanswered. R5203:1 The Heavenly Father would not answer any petitions that would not be for the good of his children. R5311:1
Ye ask amiss— Selfishly; in harmony with your own desires, and not in harmony with the divine arrangement and plan. F679; R5790:3,5601:1, 5203:1, 1972:5, 1866:5; NS225:6 They ask that the answer may minister to the desires of their flesh. R5481:4 The privilege of prayer, or any other favor of God, is not granted for selfish purposes. A thing properly desired and asked for in one case might be improper if asked for from some other motive. The desire for a good thing, simply for ease and convenience, is an improper, selfish motive. R2005:6Our requests should be only as God has authorized us to ask and expect. R1972:5 Jesus' example in respect to praying for conversion of sinners is notable: "I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me." (John 17) Q815:2 Our petitions will be chiefly for spiritual favors; and even in asking for these we should be particular not to specify how they are to come. R2005:6 Not to pray with definiteness for earthly things. R5311:1 We are not to ask to gratify fleshly desires. Whenever we ask anything from the Lord, we should scrutinize our motives. R5311:1,2 Careless asking. R436:6 Many forget that the Lord has already promised to take care of the temporal necessities of his spirit-begotten children. As new creatures our conditions and desires should be specially for the things that pertain to the new creature. R2865:6 Our hearts should be so full of appreciation for blessings already received, temporal and spiritual, that we would hesitate to ask more. Our petition should be, Give what is best! And faith should firmly trust him, come what may. R3431:1 One of the things for which we may pray is that God's Kingdom may come. We may also pray for our necessities. If in God's providence he withholds the luxuries, we are to be satisfied. We may pray for deliverance from the evil one. We may pray for the forgiveness of our trespasses. R5311:3,4 Our prayers should be in harmony with our endeavors. R5692:5
Upon your lusts— The word lusts here signifies desires. R5311:1, 2005:6, 798:5 For vainglorious purposes or other selfish reasons. R2005:6Their earthly desires; wealth or fame or temporal good things. R2865:6 Desires for ease, for earthly prosperity, for a sect and its growth and honor; all these are earthly lusts. R798:5

[NTC - James 4:4]

Know ye not— Forgetting this instruction, many consecrated ones try to walk upon a middle road, to keep the favor of God and the favor of the world. They are delivered over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. (1 Cor. 5:5) A214
The friendship of the world— Being in accord with sinful practices, not, perhaps, directly, but indirectly. In accord with the world's policies. R4765:6 The love of fellowship, which implies the partaking of its spirit, its aims, ambitions, and hopes, and its methods of pursuing them. R4766:4 God's people must take their choice, either the divine or the worldly friendship and fellowship. R2444:2 We are not to get the thought that we are to have no worldly people as our friends; we are to be the friends of all, otherwise it would imply we were their enemies. R4765:3
Is enmity with God— The world's spirit, theories and philosophies are vain and foolish and enmity to God. D183 Evil deeds and evil thoughts, evil-speaking, are an abomination in the sight of the Lord, and those who love and practice such things lose his fellowship. They are not of his spirit. R2444:3 We are not to love the present order or arrangement, nor the things that are part and parcel of it. We are to love the world only in the sense of having sympathy with it, as our Heavenly Father has. R4766:4 The path of the world, being wrong, is out of harmony with God and righteousness. R1668:6
Friend of the world— If we are friends of God, the world will seek to do us injury as evil-doers. While not "friends of the world," we must endeavor to be at peace with them. R4797:1Whoever is fully satisfactory to the world may be sure that he is not satisfactory to the Lord. R5738:1

[NTC - James 4:5]

That dwelleth in us— In our flesh dwelleth no perfect thing. (Rom. 7:18) E200

[NTC - James 4:6]

Resisteth the proud— The self-seeking, the proud in spirit, could not be trusted in a high position. R5414:6 The self-assertive. R3828:5 The self-sufficient, the boastful. R2700:4, 2459:5 The Almighty sees that we have nothing whatever of which to be proud or to boast. R5843:3 Self-conceit hinders reformation of heart, as well as true usefulness. R5186:1
"Pride goeth before [leadeth to] destruction." (Prov. 16:18) R5843:3, 726:1 Pride was Satan's choice and course. R725:6
Satan has been degraded, "cut down [or limited] to the earth." (Isa. 14:12) R1686:3 Inflated values must at some time come down to a solid basis. R1486:6 In proportion as spiritual pride comes in, the spirit of the Lord departs, and the spirituality of the individual ceases. R5955:6 Even if the proud become the Lord's children they would be kept at a distance. If they were permitted to come nearer it would make them more proud. R5370:4
But giveth grace— Favor. E255; R5843:3, 5464:4, 5414:6, 3866:1, 2700:4, 2450:5, 2250:4, 1486:6; HG751:5 The Lord bestows blessings upon the humble, the meek, the teachable. R5186:1, 5261:3, 2250:4 God will exalt the humble. (Matt. 23:12) Jesus is now exalted to the very position to which Satan through pride and ambition aspired. R1686:3
Unto the humble— Of humble spirit. R5843:3 The poor in spirit. R3734:1 The penitent. R5464:4 The meek, the teachable, the submissive. R5261:3 "The meek will he teach his way." (Psa. 25:9) R2241:3 In coming to God's Word it is always important to remember that our attitude should be that of the disciple and not of the teacher. R3337:1 Those who would be in harmony with God must be humble. R5186:1 Those who humbly desire to be and to do those things acceptable to the Lord. HG751:4 All who would abide in the Lord's love have need to be very careful along this line; to keep very humble, very lowly in conduct, and particularly in mind. R2450:5 Those of humble mind would not be injured by exaltation, nor in danger of deflecting in the future work. R5414:6 Humility was the course and choice of him who was the beginning of the creation of God. R725:6

[NTC - James 4:7]

Resist— The heart is the battleground. Satan is our enemy. We are not, however, to battle directly with Satan. We are to resist his influence, his deceptions, and his endeavors to lead us into error and sin. R5127:1 The saints cannot fight Satan. They can merely by their wills resist him and rely upon the promises of grace to help and to protect. SM393:2 When Christians take a decided stand against Satan and his wiles, they are relieved of his attack. R5896:6 Mankind cannot cope with the cunning of the "wicked spirits," and our only safety lies in the divine provision that each one who so wills may refuse to have any communication with these demons. R2172:5; HG727:2 All who now enter the narrow way are compelled to fight a good fight, to contend earnestly for the faith, to resist the devil, if they would secure the greater prize of our high calling. R2590:6 Satan acts upon the minds of humanity. His assaults may come through human beings that suggest wrong thoughts to others. R5897:1 By not allowing Satan's seductive arguments to have weight with us. R5184:3 The Christian's warfare is a fight of faith. James does not mean we are to battle with Satan in order to confound him. Whoever thinks he is able to battle alone with Satan surely must possess great self-conceit. In any contention Satan would surely gain the victory. R5184:2 By positiveness of decision we acquire great help from other unseen powers. The instant we resist temptation and stand up for the Lord we become strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. R4988:6 It is of the utmost importance that the child of God should make a positive and prompt decision when he realizes that he is being enticed to evil. A moment's hesitation is very dangerous. R5897:1 This text implies an assault by the Adversary. It implies he should be and can be resisted. R4379:6 While in the wilderness Jesus resisted so thoroughly that we do not hear that Satan ever thought it worth while to come back again. Q184:T
The devil— The tempter. R3718:2, 1689:5 The experience of our Lord in the wilderness affords a good example for all the people of God to follow. R5184:3 The word devil represents that evil one who through unholy ambition became the first opponent of God. His name, which was once Lucifer, shining one, was changed to Satan, meaning the hater, the accuser. R5896:1 Scriptures affirming existence of this wiley Adversary given. F609-11
He will flee from you— If the Adversary finds one well protected and resisting him with a firm will, he will at once retreat, just as a general would retreat from a city after finding its gates strongly protected and attack useless. R5896:6 No power of art or spurious logic can stand against the sword of the spirit; for it is mighty and shall prevail. R1689:5

[NTC - James 4:8]

Draw nigh to God— By exercising faith in the sacrifice of Christ. Q699:5 By making a consecration of themselves. R5717:5, 4632:3 Drawing near to him in prayer, in the study of his precious Word, in meditation upon all his goodness, his providential care, his precious promises. R1949:5 Every step from sin toward righteousness is a step toward God, toward justification, based on faith in God; toward covenant relationship. R4632:2, 5207:5, 4871:6 By turning the heart to God and away from sin, by accepting his appointed way in Christ; there is one standard which must be attained before any can be accepted of the Father, full consecration even unto death. R4632:4; Q699:5 God is willing to be found by those who seek him. R5733:5 To turn away from sin is but a step toward conversion. That moment is an antitypical going toward the Tabernacle. Only through Christ can any come to the Father. R5439:1 We must draw near to God in the spirt of our minds, consecrated in our heart. We must will to do his will. R5137:5, 5717:5 Those who fail to go on to full consecration fail to obtain full justification and the seal of sonship and covenant relationship with the Lord. R4654:1 Love for God will enable us to cast out fear and to come to God with great confidence—full confidence—that he will bless us. R4841:5
He will draw nigh to you— "If a man love me he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him." (John 14:23) R1949:2 We are met half way by the Lord. R4629:1 God draws nigh in the same proportion. R4632:2 God through his providences draws near. R5596:3The Father's acceptance of us is indicated by our adoption and begetting of the holy Spirit and the commencement of the sealing; the impressing upon us, as new creatures, of the divine likeness, disposition or spirit. R4872:2 Any one who seeks God will find him. R5201:3; CR420:5 The nearer we draw to the Lord, the more blessing we have. CR434:3
Purify your hearts— He whose heart is pure is single-minded; his mind, will, heart, seeks first, last and always the will of God. R2734:3

[NTC - James 4:10]

Humble yourselves— No true progress can be made in the way to God except by the humble. R2700:4 As Jesus humbled himself, with so great obedience, humility, and self-sacrifice. E424

[NTC - James 4:11]

Speak not evil— Evil speaking is strictly forbidden even if the thing be true. Professed Christians are often the most pronounced scandalmongers. Those who hear slanders and thus encourage slanderers are partakers of their evil deeds.R4803:1,2
The law— The law of honor, the royal law (James 2:8), the law of love, the essence of the great law of God. R4240:3*, 5887:2 The law of God; not the Law Covenant which God made with Israel.R5887:4 We are not to judge; we cannot see into the heart; but if any in the Church is living in positive violation of the principles of righteousness laid down in the Word of God, then the matter should be taken up by the Church. R5887:2

[NTC - James 4:12]

One lawgiver— Jehovah. R5887:1
Who is able— He who gave that one great standard, that law, is to be the Executor of his own law. R5887:1
To save— Save to life. R5887:1
And to destroy— Destroy in the second death. R5887:1 "Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." (James 1:15) R1085:6 He who created all things must be "able to destroy both soul and body." (Matt. 10:28) R1641:3
Who art thou— What right has any one else to condemn him whom God has seen fit to approve? R5887:1 It is an excellent plan neither to condemn others who claim to be walking conscientiously as children of the Lord, nor even to condemn ourselves under similar circumstances. R2480:2 We should recognize for ourselves and everyone else the one standard which the Lord has given. (Luke 10:27) R5887:2
That judgest another— God gave the law, and he is the One to decide whether the person is seeking to keep that law. R5887:4 Only the Lord, who could read the heart, could properly judge.R2480:2

[NTC - James 4:13]

And buy and sell— A steward should individually (not collectively, as a commune) manage his own affairs, and render his own account. (Matt. 25:14-28; Luke 19:13-24; James 4:15) R1862:5; D480

[NTC - James 4:17]

It is sin— Willful sin. R396:4

[NTC - James 5:1]

Ye rich men— The hypocrite class will include the rich of this world. R5256:4 Those willing to see others crushed, oppressed and denied their rights in order that they may luxuriate extravagantly. These hold to the present arrangement of society with a death clutch. C20
The class that has reaped the benefit of the spoliation [plundering] of the poor will have to pay some of the toll to justice, in squaring accounts. God will permit one part of the world to wreak a measure of vengeance on the other part. R5256:1 The class coming into the trouble has been used to luxury, obtained largely at a cost to others. A314; Q848:1 The wealthy and great and learned who have been willing to use their superior advantages selfishly, instead of for the elevation of their less favored brothers. Upon this class its hottest fires will come first. R1470:4; D305 Let the rich consider the interests of the poor and needy, lest they fall under the fearful condemnation of the oppressor. R1875:5 Babylon the Great is to fall; and the wonderful institutions of civilization will be found only partly satisfactory to the new King. This will mean that many who are now stewards of wealth, influence, position, etc., will be called to account and dispossessed. Their realization of the loss of practically all upon which they set their affections is represented as wailing and howling and misery. Not that the poor are more righteous than the rich, but, having little of this world's goods, they will probably feel less the great time of trouble impending. R4997:2 The lesson on this subject comes first to the living generation, and is near at hand. A303; D305
Howl— Lament. R2044:1 For the loss of their treasures. R1955:4 A time of general loss of confidence when bankers' credits will be at their ebb.R3117:6
For your miseries— A great "time of trouble" now impending over the world, but especially over Christendom. R5112:2; CR424:4; Q848:1Reprobation and stripes. R4997:1 The rich in this world's uncertain riches, and the proud, whether poor or rich, and all that do wickedly, will be special sufferers. R1963:5 In the coming trouble the rich will suffer much. R748:4 Great distress and trouble shall come upon the wealthy class who have a monopoly of earthly blessings. R1406:2 Animosities of the masses will be exercised with violence against the rich. R1690:3 James prognosticates dire trouble upon the rich in the righting of earth's affairs. R1776:5 Miseries will also come upon the poor, but will be felt especially by the rich. CR424:4; D305; R5256:4, 1470:4; SM191:2 The trouble upon the rich will be among the events of the last days of this age. R621:4 The growing selfish rapacity will eventuate in a great time of trouble, in which "every man's hand shall be against his neighbor" (Zech. 8:9,10) and lead to mutual distrust and anarchy. R2760:5 A dark and gloomy day of judgment upon mankind socially and nationally. D11
Shall come upon you— Which are approaching. D411; R2044:1, 2039:6, 592:5 The uncovering of the weaknesses of human nature means loss of confidence in the rich and influential generally, and spells eventually the hatred which ere long will fulfill the prediction. R3757:6 Will happen at the same time as the gathering of the dead and living members of the Body of Christ. R668:5

[NTC - James 5:2]

Riches are corrupted— Relating to the present time: verses 2 and 3 are highly figurative. R667:6 Securities have become worthless. D411; R2044:1; Q848:1

[NTC - James 5:3]

Is cankered— Become rusted. D411; A314; R2044:1, 592:5
A witness— A testimony. D411; R2044:1, 592:5
Eat your flesh— Consume your bodies. D411; R2044:1, 592:5 The rich will share in the trouble of the nations because so closely identified with them. R592:5 The jealousy and hatred of the masses in the time of trouble will make the rich their special targets for the venomous arrows of hatred. R1519:5
Have heaped— Have laid up. R592:5
The last days— "A time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation." (Dan. 12:1) D11; R3107:6, 1519:4, 1352:2; Q848:1; NS27:5 A day of trouble in an especial degree for the rich and those who employ labor. R1676:5, 748:4 The end or harvest period of the Gospel age. R1518:5 All the selfish and evil arrangements of the present shall be thoroughly shaken out, so that nothing but good shall remain. (Heb. 12:26-29) R1174:4 The closing days of the Gospel age. D392 The Day of the Lord. R621:4

[NTC - James 5:4]

Of the laborers— The farmers. D393; R3107:6, 2906:6, 2044:3; Q848:1 The food producers.R2039:6 The poor and needy. R1875:5 The agriculturists. R3107:6
Who have reaped— Who harvested. (Diaglott) R592:6, 2039:6, 2044:1,3
You— Rich men. D392; R2044:3
Kept back by fraud— "That reward which you have fraudulently withheld from those laborers." (Literal translation, Diaglott) R2044:1,3, 2039:6, 592:5; D392, 411 They do not rob the farmer, they "keep back" not directly, but "fraudulently" by unjust legislation secured by misrepresentation and fraud. R2044:3 Kept back by reason of hoarding.A314 The rich men's "wanton" ways of living are aggravating the poor and the employed to such an extent that they are crying out. Q848:2 Are willing to see others crushed, oppressed, and denied their rights and reasonable rewards that they (the rich) may luxuriate extravagantly, wantonly. C20
The Lord of Sabaoth— "The Lord of armies." (Diaglott) R592:6, 2044:1,3, 2039:6, 621:4; D411, 392 So let the cries of the groaning creation come into our ears and gain our sympathies, and quicken our zeal to cooperate with our Heavenly Father's plan. R3067:6

[NTC - James 5:5]

Lived in pleasure— Delicately, in self-indulgence. R2044:1
And been wanton— Extravagant, luxurious. Q848:2; D274, 301
Nourished— Fed. R2044:1
Day of slaughter— Day of your slaughter. D411; R2044:1 The relentless argument of the masses soon will be: "Your class defrauded our class in the past, and now our class will defraud your class to even up matters." R1423:6 The animosities of the masses will be exercised with violence against the rich, and the specially favored aristocratic classes, political, social and religious. (Ezek. 7:19, etc.) R1690:3 "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not" (Prov. 1:10). The counsel here has special reference to the end of the Gospel age, when great corporations, trusts and monopolies, on the one hand, and unions and labor federations on the other, would offer their enticements to the iniquitous business of shedding innocent blood and fattening on the spoils of the slain. (Mal. 3:5) R1518:5 5:6
Ye— Your class. D411; R2044:1 Can it be that the Lord wished us to notice that the Jewish bankers and financiers, more than others, are prominent in this fraud of keeping back the wages of the reapers? and is there therefore special significance in the words, "You killed, you murdered the Just One?" D411
Have condemned and killed the just— The Just One, Christ. D411; R2044:1 Out of the righteous, because they resisted not, the very life had been crushed. A314 The just are led as lambs to the slaughter. R1073:1 The followers of Jesus must not expect full justice in the world, nor always to be rightly understood. R5561:5
He doth not resist you— He resisteth you not. D411; R2044:1 Jesus did not attempt to defend his life. R5561:5

[NTC - James 5:7]

Be patient— "Wait ye upon me, saith the Lord." (Zeph. 3:8) R1520:1 The new creature is patient, cheerful, hopeful. F591 Waiting patiently for God's promised Kingdom. R1759:1 Not interfere with the powers that be. SM191:2
Unto the coming— Greek, parousia, presence. B159; D411; F666; R2979:1, 2044:1, 1693:1, 223:1*
Of the Lord— Who will adjust matters righteously. D411; R2044:1 Connected with the Lord's presence will be judgments and vengeance upon many, especially the rich. R1776:5 The establishment of his Kingdom of righteousness, the change to his glorious likeness, draweth nigh. R3827:2
The husbandman waiteth— Anticipating. D411; R2044:1
The early and latter rain— Early and latter harvest. (Oldest manuscripts.) D411; R2044:1

[NTC - James 5:8]

Patient— Long-suffering patience. R298:4* Wait for his Kingdom; it will give full justice to all. R1245:3 Be hopeful his wisdom will soon bring righteousness and blessing to mankind. F591
For the coming— Greek, parousia, presence. B159; D411; F666; R2979:1, 2044:1, 1693:1, 223:1*
Of the Lord— In the full glory of his Kingdom. R1954:6
Draweth nigh— Has approached. R2044:1

[NTC - James 5:9]

Grudge not one against another— Add not to each other's sorrows. D411; R2044:1
Lest ye be condemned— That ye be not punished also. D411; R2044:1
The judge standeth— The judge is standing at the doors. D411; R2044:1

[NTC - James 5:10]

For an example— Of faith, humility, meekness, obedience, patience, endurance, brotherly kindness, love. R2010:3, 1695:1 Those beautiful characters among the Ancient Worthies whose examples the apostles taught us to emulate. (Heb. 11) R1708:2, 2010:3, 1695:1 Example for our imitation. R1695:1
And of patience— Greek, makrothunia, the common thought of patience as connected with everyday affairs, long-suffering. R2790:6 Patient endurance has been characteristic of all who have lived holy lives. R5332:6

[NTC - James 5:11]

The patience of Job— Job is classed with other holy men (Ezek. 14:14), which would not be the case were the Book of Job merely a parable. R5401:3, 1505:3; Q793:2 One whom God especially loved. (Ezek. 14:19, 20) R5878:5 A man of great learning and influence; of great piety who knew and reverenced God and appreciated justice; of great generosity who considered the widow and the orphan. R5401:6, 1505:6

[NTC - James 5:12]

Swear not— An admonition against taking oaths such as many Secret Societies demand. R1827:6 Not objecting to solemn affirmations or legal oaths as required by law. R5020:2, 1827:6
Let your yea be yea— Tell the truth! Be so truthful in all that you say that it will be unnecessary to swear to its truthfulness. R5020:3

[NTC - James 5:13]

Afflicted— Suffering. R2008:3
Let him pray— The saints cannot properly pray for their own health now any more than could their Master. They cannot properly ask the restitution privileges which they have consecrated, nor can they ask that their sacrifices be nullified by having all the cost of weariness, exhaustion, stripes or sickness miraculously removed. R2008:5 This counsel will apply to all the trials and afflictions of God's people, mental and physical. R2008:3

[NTC - James 5:14]

Is any sick— Greek, astheneo—a, without; sthenos, strength; without strength, weak. R4099:2*, 4100:1* Greek word for helpless or impotent. R2008:4A condition of very low spirituality. R5453:2 Weak in faith, morally and spiritually weak or ailing. Q814:2; R5453:2, 4100:4* Those who quench the spirit of holiness, or "grieve the spirit" are spiritually sick. R5391:4 The intimation is that such an one has committed sin. Q323:6 The sickness is recognized as being a chastisement for sins. F638
Call for the elders— Cut off from fellowship with God, they have one last resort; viz., to request the assistance of sanctified elders of the Church. R5391:4, 2838:2; F638 A possibility of recovery, not through themselves, but through the ministry of faithful ones of the royal priesthood. R5453:2 The senior, or chief, or official members. R2008:4, 5691:4 The sin-sick one should realize his need, call upon the Church elders, confess his fault. They in turn may intercede for him to the Lord and may anoint him in the name of the Lord. The Lord shall raise him up to spiritual health and strength. R5691:4 The prayer should be for the forgiveness of the sins of which the sickness is a punishment or rebuke, rather than for the release from the deserved punishment. R2008:4
Anointing him with oil— Symbolic of the holy Spirit. R5391:4 Such extreme measures would be quite improper for a slight ailment. R2008:4

[NTC - James 5:15]

The prayer of faith— The prayers and the words of exhortation and encouragement to righteousness will have the effect of raising up, stimulating and reviving the spiritually weary and fainting one. Q814:2 Promiscuous praying for health during the Gospel age would have been improper. Only by means of the gift of healing were the early cures of the age performed, which ceased with the death of the apostles. R2008:4
Save— Recover to God's fellowship. R5453:2
The sick— Greek, kamno, to labor, suffer from fatigue, weary, as in "lest ye be wearied (kamno) and faint in your minds." (Heb. 12:3) R4099:2* The spiritually sick; one who has committed a sin that has alienated him from God. R4598:1, 5901:5*; Q814:2 The wearied one, one weary in well doing; the one who is in a "backslidden condition." Q814:2; R4100:1*, 494:1 Freedom from sickness will depend upon their purity of life. R759:6
And if— And though. R2100:2, 2008:4, 4598:1
Committed sins— Trespasses. R4598:1 Become estranged from God, and is unable to go to him. Therefore in this sad and separated condition he may call for the elders for spiritual healing, not physical healing. Q323:6; R4598:1

[NTC - James 5:16]

Confess your faults— "Therefore confess your sins." (Old Greek manuscripts.) R2008:4 Greek, paraptoma, a falling away. R4100:1* Represents a general principle of humility and willingness to make acknowledgement when we commit a fault. R4597:3, 2094:5* Ordinarily, there would be no need for the individual to confess his trespasses to any one, unless it were to a person who had been trespassed against. Otherwise our sins are to be confessed only unto the Lord, unless under extreme circumstances, where one had lost fellowship with the Lord. R5453:2 In general we do well not only to hide our imperfections, but that it should be our daily endeavor to put out faults away completely. R4598:1
Pray for one another— Not only pray for him, but seek to restore in the spirit of humility a brother taking a wrong course. R4598:2 The Lord has put a special responsibility upon every member of the Church to look out for all other members to the extent of ability and opportunity. Not that our intercessions would avail of themselves; it must be the intercession of our Advocate. R4598:1,2
May be healed— Greek, iaomai, has the significance of saved, as in "lest at any time they should see . . . and should be converted and I should heal (iaomai) them." (Matt. 13:15) R4099:3*Especially applies to spiritual healing. R5234:4
The effectual fervent prayer— The supplication. (Revised Version) R5480:5, 4306:1 Praying with persistence and faith. R5480:5 It is the fervent prayer that is the effectual one; the prayer that is earnest, from the heart and not merely from the lips. R3664:6 Prayers not accompanied by efforts brand themselves as insincere. The prayer which is not of faith is sin, unscriptural, sacrilegious. (Matt. 9:38) R4913:1 Communion with God is a great privilege and an evidence of his favor. R4983:1 The fervent prayer of Abraham (Gen. 18:22-33); and of Nehemiah (Neh. 1:1-11). R2856:3, 3662:4
A righteous man— A justified and consecrated child of God. R1866:1 Not necessarily yet perfect, but he is obedient and growing. R5901:5* All righteousness that we have is Christ's, imputed to us. R3664:6 The prayers of the unrighteous, we understand, will avail nothing. R3664:6

[NTC - James 5:17]

Elias— Elijah—a most courageous servant of the Lord; he is particularly a type of all the Lord's favored ones of this Gospel age. R3401:2, 3402:4, 5857:4, 5628:6
Three years and six months— The Church was 3-1/2 symbolic years (a day for a year—1260 literal years) in the wilderness condition, during which there was a spiritual famine because of the lack of truth. B256; R5857:4, 5628:6, 557:3 5:19
Err from the truth— "Wander from the truth." (Diaglott) "Wander" well expresses how all errors gradually grow and stealthily intrude upon the sanctified. R494:2,3 Into paths of error, into vice. R494:2 This does not apply at all to "the world of sinners." R494:3
Convert him— "Turn him back." (Diaglott) R494:2 We should make no effort for him as would tend to make us fall into error. R1860:3

[NTC - James 5:20]

Let him know— A special blessing comes to all those who have an earnest desire to save an erring brother; a great reward is suggested for those who are successful in such an attempt. R4628:3
He which converteth— He that recovereth. R5453:2, 4628:3, 3798:5 "He who turns back." (Diaglott) R494:2 All the faithful are to be energetic in their endeavors to recover any who fall away, to bring them back into full accord with the Lord. R3798:5 We should seek to restore him, "considering ourselves, lest we also be tempted." (Gal. 6:1) R4628:3
The sinner— Wanderer. R1480:5 The wrong-doer, transgressor, is a brother, a fellow-member in the ecclesia. F290, 291 A brother, who has "erred from the truth." R3035:2 Once a brother. NS745:4 Once fellows of the order of royal priesthood, who become so changed, so possessed of an opposite spirit, that they can speak evil of their fellow priests continually. T63
Of his way— Course. R5925:6 "Path." (Diaglott) R494:2 The course or tendency is to lead off from the truth, the way of life, into the way of death. R5925:6 One who is going into that careless condition where the new mind has become, as it were, stupefied, where the old mind has gotten the ascendency over it. R4628:3
Shall save a soul— This is not referring to the souls of the world in general, which are still under the sentence of death, but it is referring to the souls of believers, who through faith have been justified and consecrated to the Lord.R3798:4, 494:3 Apparently that soul is in death's throes; but if he manifest faith, call in true brethren and humbly confess his sin and ask for prayers, the Lord might give him a further opportunity and trial. R5453:2 Brotherly kindness and assistance are specially commended of the Lord. R4628:3
From death— Second death. R3035:2, 494:3 Not from eternal torment. OV439:3*; HG222:3